to the king our sovereign lord in most humble wise sheweth and complaineth unto your highness your faithful subject
Simon Trumdell
that whereabout eleven years now last past one
Robt Robinson
of London clothworker was lawfully seised of and in a tenement or inn called the Dolphin with appurtenances in Halstead and of and in divers other lands and tenements in Halstead aforesaid Stisted and Colne Engaine called Playstowe lands within the county of Essex being of the clear yearly value of 10li over all charges in his demesne as of fee and he so keeping peace therewith enfeoffed divers persons to your orator unknown to the use of him and his heirs and to the performance of his last will and testament and after the said
Robt Robinson
made ordained and declared his last will and testament conveying his lands and tenements and by the same he willed that his feoffees should stand and be seised of the premises to the use and behoof of one
Jn Compton
the elder and one
his wife for term of their lives and the longest liver of them and after their decease to the use of your said subject and one then
his wife for term of their lives and the longest liver of them with a lead and cawdern of brass set in furnaces brewing vessels and other implements and divers bedsteads in the said tenement or inn being and after their decease to the use of the next heirs of the said
coming with divers other remainders over as by the said will ready to be showed more at large doth appear by force whereof the said feoffees were of the premises seised in their demesne as of fee to the uses aforesaid unto
at which day the said
his wife were sole seised of the premises in their demesne as of fee of freehold by force of the said estate and after the said
Jn Compton
died since whose death all the deeds evidences charters and writings concerning the premises are casually come to the hands possession and custody of one
Hen Sheldon
Wm Haclond
who by colour thereof now of late hath not only entered into the said tenement and other the premises and keepeth your said subject forth and will in no wise suffer him to enter into the premises or to take the profits thereof as of right he ought to do but also hath pulled up the said lead and cawdern and
them and the other brewing vessels and implements and the said bedsteads and hath converted the money thereof
considering the premises
them to be delivered they and every of them hath them always he thereto refused and yet
they be contained in bag box chest locked or sealed nor yet the number nor certainty of the implements or household stuff in the
pity to him be showed in that behalf may it therefore please your highness the premises tenderly unto your said subject considered to grant your privy seal to be directed unto the said
Hen Sheldon
Wm Hacland
commanding them and every of them by
to appear before your most honourable council etc