Charles by the grace of god of England Scotland France and Ireland king defender of the faith etc to all who come to these letters of presentment greetings know that we of our special grace and out of certain knowledge and by our free volition grant and give licence and by these presents grant and give licence of ourselves and our heirs and successors in so far as it is in us to our favoured and faithful subject
Rich Harlakenden
gentleman son and next heir of
Rich Harlakenden
esq deceased which same said
Rich Harlakenden
the father held of us in chief on the day he died by whatever name title or additional names the same said
the son is called or named that the same said
the son immediately without any proof of his age and without any other feoffment or pursuance of his inheritance or any parcel thereof out of our hands our heirs and successors according to the form of our court of chancery and according to the law and form of our court of wards and liveries or the law of our land of England or by any other manner of pursuance in all and singular all messuages lands tenements revenues fees farms towns hamlets annual rents services hundreds offices meadows pastures moors marshes heaths tolls customary dues views of frankpledge courts escheats bailiwicks privileges franchises warrens vineries ponds mills knights fees advowson and patronage of churches vicarages chapels and the nomination to the same and in all and singular other possessions revenues and inheritances whatsoever with their rights members and all appurtenances within our realm of England Wales of the marches of the same which were of the said
the father which the same said
the father or anyone or any of the predecessors of the said
the son of whom he himself is heir was or were possessed or seised in their demesne as of fee or in fee of whatever kind by entail in demesne or in another way on which ever days they severally died or on which ever day any one of them died or of which any person was seised or any persons were seised jointly or severally to the aforesaid use of
the father or any of the predecessors of the aforesaid
the son of whom or whomsoever he himself is the heir in their demesne as of fee or in fee of whatever kind by entail in demesne or in another way to the use of the said
the father or any of his heirs or to the use of any other of the predecessors
on whichever days they severally died or on whichever day any one of them died and which by or after the death of
the father himself or any of his predecessors or any predecessors of the aforesaid
the son of whom he himself is heir of
should have come into our possession or should come
or ought to have been or ought to be in our hands which to the aforesaid
the son in possession reversion or in use ought to descend revert pertain or belong he should with permission and impunity be able to go into enter and seize and all and singular these things to the aforesaid
the son and his heirs according as he himself in the same after the death of the aforesaid
the father or any of the predecessors of whom or whomsoever he himself is heir is established in possession reversion or in use should seize have hold possess and enjoy and he should prevail against ourselves our heirs and successors without any other delivery or pursuance of the same or any parcel thereof out of our hands according to the form of our aforesaid chancery or the law of our land of England or any other manner of pursuance or petitioning by the aforesaid persons or any of them we do not wish that the aforesaid
the son or his heirs or the aforesaid people whomsoever or any one person whoever of any of them in all manors lands tenements and other premises seised to the use as allowed or existing by seizure or existing by reason of entry or occupation and aforesaid retention by any of them made or had by makings or havings by ourself our heirs and successors by our justices escheators sheriffs receivers bailiffs ministers our heirs and successors whosoever should be troubled disturbed annoyed perturbed distrained in anything or oppressed or any one of them be troubled disturbed annoyed perturbed distrained in anything or oppressed or that our same said justices escheators sheriffs receivers bailiffs and ministers our heirs and successors or any of them in all the aforesaid manors lands tenements and other premises with appurtenances or any parcel thereof on behalf of ourselves or in our name should meddle or any one of them meddle but that we our heirs and successors as far as seizing and
taking into our hands all the aforesaid manors lands tenements and other premises with appurtenances or any parcel thereof by reason of any right title claim or interest which or which to ourselves our heirs and aforesaid successors by or after the death of the said
the father or any other predecessor or predecessors of the said
the son of whom he himself is heir of any other person or any other persons of any of them in all manors lands tenements and other premises seised to the abovementioned use or existing by seizure or existing comes is added or falls or should come be added or fall are to be excluded forever by these presents and that the same
the son and his heirs against us our heirs and successors for the premises and whatever parcel thereof exists quit and discharged forever by these presents and furthermore on behalf of ourselves our heirs and successors we grant by these presents to the aforesaid
the son and to whatsoever aforesaid other persons and whatsoever other person of any of them in all manors lands tenements and other premises with appurtenances seised to the use above set out or existing by seizure or existing that they themselves should have and any one of them should have from time to time so many and such of our letters mandates and warrants as are sufficient for our justices our barons of our exchequer our escheators sheriffs receivers bailiffs and ministers whatsoever and any of them to direct as many and whatsoever kind of them and any of them for their release against us our heirs and successors in this part as will be necessary and fitting and furthermore of our abundant grace we give and grant to the aforesaid
the son and to any other aforesaid persons and any other person of the aforesaid of all manors lands and tenements and other premises with appurtenances seised to the use set out above or existing by seizure or existing that these entries seisins possessions takings and occupations in all the aforesaid manors lands tenements and other premises with appurtenances and whatever kind of parcel thereof by the said
the son or by any other such aforesaid person whatsoever or by any other such persons of all the manors lands tenements and other premises with appurtenances or any parcel thereof by the authority of these our concessions and licences made or had to be made and had should be to them and any of them and t heir heirs an the heirs of any one of them according as he himself in the same inheritance as is shown is established to that point well strongly and efficiently and with as much strength and vigour in law and if the same said demesne of manors lands tenements and other premises with their appurtenances and whatever parcel thereof should be taken and seized into our hands by way of debt and the same said
the son and his heirs and any other persons and any other person whatsoever of any of them of all the manors lands tenements seised to the use as permitted or existing in seizure or existing with their appurtenances should rightly and duly sue for the due delivery of the same said manors lands tenements and other premises with appurtenances out of our hands according to the form of our aforesaid chancery an according to the law of our land of England and for us concerning all this that pertains to us in this part or could possibly pertain is due or may be due there should be satisfactory payment for any negligence omission mistake error resistance opposition or any other default whatsoever fixed or to be fixed assigned or to be assigned in anything notwithstanding however the homage fealty and relief of the aforesaid
the son owed or to be owed always saving our rights and furthermore of our abundant grace we gave and granted and by these presents give and grant to the aforesaid
the son all and singular issues rents profits revenues and emoluments whatsoever of all and singular of all the aforesaid manors lands and tenements and any parcel thereof with all and singular their appurtenances from the time of the death of the aforesaid
the father at the time and forthwith coming issuing coming forth or growing and whatever kind of due pertained to us or we had charge of to have levy receive command enjoy and retain all and singular the same said issues rents profits revenues and emoluments to the same said
the son his executors or assigns both by his own hands and by the several hands lately now and henceforward of escheators officials of court of wards surveyors receivers bailiffs and other officers whatsoever
until an account is stated or any other
of the premises to be returned delivered or made and furthermore we wish and grant by these presents that both the aforesaid
the son and all late now and henceforward escheators officials of the court of wards surveyors sheriffs receivers bailiffs and other officers whatsoever of this kind coming by issues rents profits or anything else of the premises from the time of the death of the aforesaid
the father at the time and forthwith coming issuing coming forth or growing without an account stated
to be returned delivered of made against us our heirs successors an executors are quit and discharged forever by these presents an furthermore of our abundant grace and out of our certain knowledge and by our free volition on behalf of ourselves and our heirs we pardoned remitted and released and by these presents pardon remit and release to the aforesaid
the son all and every entry going into by the said
the father or by any other predecessors of the said
the son of whom he is heir of by any other persons seised to their use or seised of and in the aforesaid manors lands tenements and other premises with their appurtenances or any parcel thereof which
before this present day he acquired or purchased and all and every acquisition alienation gift fine account forfeiture concerning the aforesaid manors lands tenements and premises with all and singular their appurtenances by the said
the son or by the said
the father of by any other predecessor of the same said
the son or any other persons before the death of the said
the father carried out or acquired without our licence and all and every action suit
claim execution and demand whatsoever which against the aforesaid
the son or any other person of and in the premises or in any of them was had or in future might be had in any manner provided always that our letters patent and anything contained in the same said in any way amounting to the release of the said
the son or any other person or any other persons either of all the aforesaid manors lands tenements and other premises or any parcel thereof of and for any debt charged or any other demand whatsoever by reason of any official of the exchequer or from our mint or of fines to the same or for any debt by reason of acknowledgement or obligation to us or to any of our descendants or any other persons to our use are recognized or given because promulgation# either concerning right or execution or concerning certainty or
or any of them or concerning grants and concessions by us or by any of our descendants or predecessors to the aforesaid
the father before his time made in presents made for the least little thing existing or concerning any statute act
provision proclamation or restriction in contradiction thereof before this time had made issued decreed or
or for any other reason or
whatsoever does not stand in this matter we made our testimonial letters patent witnessed by me in person at Westminster
by bill of the court of wards and liveries etc
witnessed before the auditor of the court of wards and liveries on 10.12.11Chas1 examined by Chas Maynard auditor (rest illegible)