this is the final agreement made in the court of the king at Westminster in the octave of the purification of the virgin mary 7Chas1 before the justices Robt Heath Thos Hutton Francis Crawley# and Geo Vernon and others faithful to the king then there present between Jn Jacob esq plaintiff and Rich Harlakenden esq deforciant concerning 14a of meadow with appurtenances in Earls Colne and of and in every way of a tenth to whatsoever annuity of the before mentioned growing of and from the aforesaid 14a of meadow whence a plea of covenant has been summoned between them in the same court namely that the aforesaid Rich has recognized the aforesaid tenement and tithe with the appurtenances to be the right of the same Jn as that which the same Jn had of the gift of the aforesaid Rich and that he remises it and quitclaim for him and for his heirs to the aforesaid Jn and his heirs forever and moreover the same Rich has granted for himself and his heirs that for themselves warrant to the aforesaid Jn and his heirs the aforesaid tenement and tithe with appurtenances against the aforesaid Rich and his heirs forever and for this acknowledgement remise quitclaim warrant fine and agreement the same Jn has given to the aforesaid Rich 40li sterling