Calendar of Patent Rolls (PRO C66)

9.7.1357 (Sunday 9 July 1357)

document 12600099

pardon at the asking of Edw prince of Wales and for good service to the king and the prince done by Jn Ramage of Gestingthorpe staying in the prince's company in Gascony to the said Jn of the king's suit against him for having on sunday the circumcision of our lord 25Edw3 by night entered with others by force the houses of Robt de Northburgh of Mapelstrested abducted by force Rose late the wife of Jn de Herde of Earls Colne servant of the said Robt and beat her and carried away clothes and other goods of the said Rose for having also on saturday the feast of st barnabus the apostle in the said year 25Edw3 assaulted Jn Wynneve constable of the town of Wykham St Paul and for being a common disturber of the peace whereof he is indicted or appealed and of any consequent outlawry