Name Index - Richard Brand (B647)

Appears in the text as:
1564Marriage register 1559 to 15998800350
Monday 11 February 1566Baptism register 1560 to 15996500986
Sunday 10 March 1566Burial register 1559 to 15897900763
Tuesday 20 May 1567Baptism register 1560 to 15996501265
Monday 12 February 1571Baptism register 1560 to 15996501820
Thursday 15 February 1571Burial register 1559 to 15897901294
Thursday 25 October 1571Archdeaconry Act Book1000540
Thursday 15 November 1571Archdeaconry Act Book1000576
Saturday 13 December 1571Archdeaconry Act Book1000656
Thursday 10 January 1572Archdeaconry Act Book1000713
Thursday 7 February 1572Archdeaconry Act Book1000770
Wednesday 22 July 1573Baptism register 1560 to 15996502278
Thursday 21 October 1574Archdeaconry Act Book1000916
Tuesday 9 November 1574Archdeaconry Act Book1000940
Saturday 9 December 1574Archdeaconry Act Book1000990
Monday 11 April 1575Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls65900854
Thursday 23 June 1575Archdeaconry Act Book1001031
Tuesday 12 July 1575Archdeaconry Act Book1001040
Tuesday 4 October 1575Archdeaconry Act Book1001064
Saturday 2 June 1576Archdeaconry Act Book1001345
Friday 22 June 1576Archdeaconry Act Book1001386
Sunday 14 October 1576Baptism register 1560 to 15996502762
Tuesday 8 October 1577Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls66001352
Sunday 10 May 1579Baptism register 1560 to 15996503219
Monday 24 August 1584Baptism register 1560 to 15996504367
Saturday 8 May 1585Burial register 1559 to 15897902210