in the name of god amen the
Roger London
of Much Tey within the county of Essex yeoman being some what weak and sick in body but of good and perfect memory praised be god renouncing revoking and admitting all other wills and testaments whatsoever by me made at any time before the date hereof do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form that is to say first I commit my soul into the hands of god the father my maker god the son my redeemer god the holy ghost my sanctifier three persons and yet but one god and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Much Tey aforesaid item I give to the poor people of Much Tey aforesaid 3s4d item to the poor people of Chappel parish also Pontisbright 3s4d item to the poor people of Colne Engaine 3s4d item to the poor people in Aldham 3s4d to be distributed among them within one month next after my decease by my executors item I give
my wife all those my lands and tenements lying and situate in Colne Engaine within the county of Essex being freehold called or known by the name of Overhall and Peverell or by any other name or names whatsoever to have and to hold the same to her and her assigns during the term of her natural life and after her decease I will the same shall remain and be unto
Roger London
my son and to his heirs forever item I give unto the said
my wife all those my lands and tenements called or known by the name of Reehouse being freehold and now in the tenure and occupation of
Jn Bratherton
situate lying and being in the parish of Aldham within the county of Essex aforesaid to have and to hold the same to her and to her assigns during the term of her life and after her decease I will the same shall remain and be unto
Math London
my son and to his heirs forever item I give to the said
my son all my copyhold and customary land and tenements holden of
Geo Saier
gent as of his manor of Bourchiers Hall or Little Fordham in Essex aforesaid to have and to hold the same to him and his heirs forever item I give and bequeath unto the foresaid
my wife all those my copyhold lands and tenements situate lying and being in Much Tey and holden of mr
as of his manor of Much Tey and also all that my garden being free called
lying and being in the parish of Earls Colne to have and to hold all the same lands and tenements and gardens unto the said
my wife during the term of her life and after her decease I will the same shall remain unto
Sam London
my son and to his heirs forever item I give unto
Sam London
Roger London
Math London
my sons and to
Rachel London
Rebecca London
my daughters to every of them a bedstead a featherbed a bolster of feathers a pair of blankets and a pair of the best sheets whereof my daughters to have their choice a pair of pillows a pair of pillowberes a covering with a tester to be delivered to them at their several days of marriage and if it shall happen any of my said children to die before they shall be married that then I will that their parts of bedding before bequeathed shall be equally be divided among the residue living everyone his part at their said days of marriage item I give to
Sam London
Roger London
Math London
my sons to every of them 5li of good and lawful money of England to be paid to every of them at their several ages of twenty one years and if it shall happen any of my said sons to die before they shall accomplish their said several ages of twenty one years then I will their part and parts deceasing shall remain and be unto the others living everyone his portion thereof at their said ages item I give unto
Rachell London
Rebecca London
my daughters to every of them 25li of good and lawful money of England to be paid unto them at their several ages of twenty one years and if it shall happen any of my daughters to depart this world before their said ages then I will her part and portion of the said money shall remain and be unto the other of my daughters then living at her said age provided always and my whole mind and will is that if shall happen the said
my wife to marry again then I will the said party with she shall marry shall enter into bond unto my brother in law
Rich Mann
or to such person or persons as the said
shall name with sufficient security with him and in the same of 100li not to commit any strip or
any of my lands and tenements before given but quietly to take sufficient timber fuel hedgeboot stockboot ploughboot cartboot harrowboot and gateboot to be occupied and spent in and upon the premises not else when during the rest of my said wife and also to pay all such gifts and legacies as are my be before bequeathed and given in manner and form aforesaid and that if it shall happen my said wife to marry with any person before he is entered into land as is aforesaid that then I will that all my lands and tenements aforesaid shall remain to my said children in manner and form aforesaid immediately after the marriage of my said wife and the residue of my goods and chattels before not given and bequeathed I give unto the said
my wife to bring up my children honestly bring me honestly to earth to pay my debts and to perform this my will and testament in witness whereof I have put my hand and seal in the presence of
Jn Motham
the younger
Jn Motham
the elder and of me
Jn Cockerell
the day and the year first above written