in the name of god the
Jn Brewer
the elder of Much Tey in the county of Essex yeoman being sick in body but yet in good and perfect remembrance I do thank god therefore to dispose those temporal belongings whereof almighty god of his merciful goodness hath lent me the use in this transitory life do declare and make this my last will and testament in manner and form following first and principally I surrender and bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty god my only saviour and redeemer by whose precious bloodshedding upon the cross I do steadfastly hope to have remission of all my sins my body to the earth from whence it was taken to be decently buried according to my degree item I do give and bequeath unto
Wm Brewer
my eldest son and to his heirs forever all that my customary messuage lands and tenements whatsoever called or known by the name of Grosse Holmans and Brightewood or by whatsoever other name or names the same are called or known upon condition that the said
Wm Brewer
his heirs and assigns shall pay unto
my wife and her assigns during her natural life at or in the kitchen belonging to my said messuage called Grosse Holmans aforesaid the yearly rent or sum of 10li of lawful money of England at the four feasts or terms of the year that is to say at the feasts of annunciation stjn michaelmas and xmas by even portions the first payment thereof to begin at whatsoever of the said feasts shall first happen or chance next after my decease and likewise upon condition that the said
his heirs and assigns shall permit and suffer the said
my wife to have and enjoy during her natural life the kitchen aforesaid with the appurtenances and free ingress egress and regress for her her servants and all others which shall have occasion to repair thither and likewise upon condition that the said
his heirs and assigns shall pay unto
Mary Brewer
my daughter and her assigns during her natural life after the decease of the said
my wife the yearly rent or sum of 6li of lawful money of England at the f our feasts aforesaid by even portions at or in the south porch of the parish church of Much Tey aforesaid between the hours of eleven and one of the clock every of the same feasts days the first payment thereof to begin at whichsoever of the said feasts shall first happen or chance next after the decease of the said
my wife and if the said
my son his heirs or assigns shall make default of payment of the said yearly rent or sum of 10li or shall not permit and suffer the said
my wife to have and enjoy the kitchen aforesaid according to the true intent and meaning of this my last will and testament or shall make or shall make default of payment of the said yearly rent or sum of 6li to the said
my daughter then my will and meaning is that
Jn Brewer
my son or his heirs shall or may enter upon the said messuage and all and singular the said premises before by me given and bequeathed to the said
my son and his heirs and the same messuage and premises shall or may have and enjoy to him and to his heirs forever upon condition that the said
my son and his heirs shall pay in manner and form aforesaid to the said
my wife and her assigns the said yearly rent or sum of 10li and shall permit and suffer for to have and enjoy the kitchen aforesaid in manner and form aforesaid and shall also pay to the said
my daughter the said yearly rent or sum of 6li in manner and form aforesaid item I do give unto the said
my son all my lease and term of years which I have yet to come of and in all that land with the appurtenances called Upfelde and Homans Croft upon condition that he and his heirs shall permit and suffer mine executors herein named to have and enjoy until the feast day of michaelmas next ensuing the croft with the appurtenances being called Emans Crofte and the land called Largose which Emans Crofte and Largose are to be sown with barley the profits whereof are to go towards the payment of my debts and after the end and expiration of the said term I do give the said field and croft called Upfelde and Homans Crofte to him and his heirs forever
Jn Brewer
item I do give and bequeath unto the said
my son and to his heirs all my copyhold lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever holden of
Rich Harlakenden
esq as of his manor of Colne Priorie upon condition that the said
or his heirs shall pay unto
my daughter 5li of lawful money of England within four years next after my decease at or in the south porch of the parish church of Much Tey aforesaid and to my daughter
5li of like money at the place aforesaid within five years next after my decease item I do give unto the said
my son and to his heirs my copyhold meadow holden of the manor of Much Tey lying in Colne Meadow containing by estimation 1a item I do give unto the said
my daughters to either of them 5li of lawful money of England to be paid within one year after my decease item all my goods and chattels whatsoever my debts legacies funeral charges and probate of my will being paid and discharged I do give and bequeath to the said
my wife and
my son to be equally divided between them and I make the foresaid
my wife and
my son executors of this my last will and testament charging them to see my debts and legacies truly paid and performed in witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and sel the day and year first above written
Jn Brewer
read sealed and published as his last will and testament in the presence of
Simon Ives
Thos Jocelin