in the name of god amen I
Xoph Mathew
of Earls Colne in the county of Essex cordwainer being of sound and perfect memory do ordain this my last will and testament revoking and annulling all former and other wills whatsoever first and above all I commit my soul into the hands of god my blessed saviour and my body to be buried at the discretion of my executrix hereafter named and for my worldly goods I dispose as followeth I give and bequeath to
Geo Fuller
of Colne Engaine my sister's son the sum of 5li to be paid within one month after the decease of
my now wife item I give and bequeath 40s of lawful english money to
the daughter of
Jn Mathew
my eldest brother to be paid to her within one month after the decease of
my now wife and in case the said
die before the receipt thereof then the said 40s to be divided equally between the children of the said
then living item I give and bequeath unto
the son of
Jn Mathew
my eldest brother the sum of 5li of lawful money of England to be paid to the said
within one month after the decease of
my now wife if he be then living item I give and bequeath to
Wm Mathew
my brother 5s to buy him a pair of gloves all the residue of my goods and chattels whatsoever and wheresoever my debts and funeral expenses first discharged I do give and bequeath to
my loving wife whom I make sole executrix of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this
signed sealed published and declared for his last will and testament in the presence of
Ralph Josselin
Jn Clarke
Jon Woodthorp
Xoph Mathew