in the name of god amen the 15.8.1673 etc. I Thos Hailes of Earls Colne in the county of Essex yeoman being sick in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given to god therefore and calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make constitute and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say first and principally I recommend my soul into the hands of the almighty hoping of his infinite mercy he will receive it into glory everlasting my body I desire may be decently buried in the parish churchyard of Earls Colne aforesaid by the discretion of my executor hereafter mentioned nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of god and as touching such worldly estate as it hath pleased god to bless me with in this life I give devise and dispose the same in manner and form following first I give and bequeath unto my wife Margt Hailes all and singular my freehold messuage or tenement barns stables outhouses yards gardens orchards backsides with the appurtenances thereunto belonging during the term of her natural life and after her decease to my son Thos Hailes and to his heirs forever item also I give and bequeath to my wife Margt Hailes all and singular my copyhold lands being eight several parcels commonly called and known by the name of Beane Feilds or by whatsoever other name or names the same or any part thereof now are or at any time heretofore hath been called containing by estimation 20a more or less now in the tenure or occupation of myself situate lying and being in Earls Colne aforesaid yielding to the manor of Gylberts all the term or time until my son Thos Hailes shall attain to the age of 21yr and then to my son Thos and to his heirs forever paying out of the said copyhold land to my two daughters Mary Hailes and Margt Hailes the sum of 20li apiece when they shall attain to the ages of 28yr but if the said Thos Hailes my son shall neglect the payment of the said 20li apiece at the time aforesaid or of any part thereof that then it shall be lawful for my said two daughters Mary and Margt to sell the said copyhold lands afore mentioned and pay themselves their said legacies and restore the overplus to the said Thos Hailes or his heirs or assigns item I give to my wife Margt Hailes all my goods and chattels and household stuff whatsoever paying out of it to my two sisters Mary Hatton wife of Jo Hatton of Coggeshall in the county aforesaid comber and Eliz Hailes of Earls Colne aforesaid the sum of 5li apiece as followeth that is to say 5li to the said Mary of lawful money of England within five years next after my decease and 5li to my sister Eliz Hailes within six years next after my decease and I do hereby make my brother in law Jn Vincent of Tey Magna in the county aforesaid my free and sole executor revoking all other former wills by me made whatsoever in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written sealed signed published and pronounced in the presence of us Jn Bagshaw Jn Carter Thos Osborne Thos Hailes