(this is taken from a rough transcript only) Thos Cowell husbandman of Tey Magna the 30.5.1677 to my wife Sarah 20nobles a year to be paid by Susan Whalle of Eatherstone Suffolk who is to inherit lands in Tey Magna and Chappell both free and copy to Edw Cobbe of Earls Colne my kinsman 15li to Kath Lenton my kinswoman wife of Thos Lenton of Earls Colne and to her sister dwelling in London which was alive last of her sisters to both of them 15li to Jn Cobbs my kinsman of Earls Colne 5li to Sarah my wife all her wearing apparel both linen and woollen and all her goods and chattels which she brought me when I had her to wife and 20s of money the worth of them and half a load of logs every year as long as she liveth upon michaelmas day seized according to the custom of the country