Wills (ERO D/ABR10/341 Dan Grimston the elder of Feering 1677/8 1679)

10.4.1679 (Thursday 10 April 1679)

document 4801650

be it remembered that upon the 10.4.1679 I the above named Dan Grimston the elder do make this codicil to my will above written in manner and form following viz I give devise and bequeath all that my messuage or tenement called Walcotts together with all the lands tenements and hereditaments with the appurtenances which I lately purchased of Jn Abbott the elder and Jn Clarke situate lying and being in Much Tey abovesaid and now in the tenure or occupation of Jn Dale to my above named sons Dan Grimston and Jn Grimston and to their heirs and assigns forever they my said sons well and truly paying and discharging the money I lately borrowed upon a mortgage of the said messuage and lands and also the interest for the said money according to the true intent and meaning of the said mortgage and whereas in my said will I have given to my godson Dan Crossman son of my daughter Crossman by Hen Crossman the sum of 10li and to the rest of the children of the said Hen Crossman by my said daughter the sum of 5li apiece to be paid unto them as therein is mentioned and thereby have declared it to be my mind that my executors therein appointed shall pay to my said daughter Crossman interest for the said legacies after the rate of 6li percent in such manner as therein is mentioned but now by reason my said daughter is since deceased I do therefore declare that my mind and will now is that my executors shall stand discharged of and from the payment of any such interest for the said legacies or any of them anything in my will contained to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding and lastly my mind and will is and I do hereby give devise and bequeath to my said sons Dan and Jn and their heirs forever all mortgages whatsoever to me made of any lands and tenements whatsoever and all advantages and benefits whatsoever which shall happen and accrue by reason of such mortgages or any of them in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written the mark of Dan Grimston this codicil was signed sealed and published in the presence of us Hen Franklyn Jn Browning Mark Browning the mark of Jn Merrills