in the name of god amen I
Mary Tiffin
of Earls Colne in the county of Essex widow being in bodily health and of sound and perfect disposing mind and memory but being stricken in years and knowing it is appointed for all persons once to die do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following first and principally I commend my soul to god hoping to be saved through the merits of jesus christ my saviour and my body I desire may be decently buried by the discretion of my executor hereafter named and as to such worldly estate as it hath pleased god of his infinite mercy and goodness to bestow upon I dispose thereof as followeth item I give and bequeath unto
Wm Tiffin
my son and to his heirs forever all that my messuage or tenement which I lately purchased to me and my heirs of
Eliz Marrett
together with all the houses outhouses yards gardens orchards and backsides thereunto be longing situate lying and being in Halsted in the said county of Essex now in the tenure and occupation of
Jn Smith
his assignee or assigns undertenant or undertenants upon condition that the said
Wm Tiffin
my son shall pay unto
Thos Tiffin
Nich Tiffin
Jn Tiffin
Benj Tiffin
Jon Tiffin
my five sons the sum of 20s apiece of lawful money of England to paid within two years after my decease and if the same shall not be paid then it shall be lawful for him or them so not paid to receive the rents of the said messuage or tenement until their legacy of 20s shall be paid as aforesaid item I give and bequeath unto my said son
Wm Tiffin
featherbed item I give and bequeath unto
Benj Tiffin
my son my
flockbed a box and a trunk and a keep which stands at my house in Halsted and all other my estate both real and personal whatsoever my debts legacies and funeral expenses being satisfied I give unto my said son
Wm Tiffin
who I do make sole executor of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seal this
and my further will and meaning is and I do hereby declare that the monies due to me from my son
Benj Tiffin
by bond or otherwise shall not be paid my executor but be freely acquitted from the payment of the same or any part thereof and the bond be delivered up to the said
to be cancelled witness my hand and seal etc
Mary Tiffin
signed sealed published and declared in the presence of
Geo Toller
Sam Burton
Martha Burton
Jn Fletcher
Mary Ward