Wills (ERO D/ABR13/204 Susanna Mitten of Lexden 1691 1693)

28.7.1693 (Friday 28 July 1693)

document 5101440

in the name of god amen the 28.7.1693 etc. I Susanna Mitten of the parish of Lexden within the liberty of the town of Colchester in the county of Essex widow being sick and weak in body but of sound mind blessed be god do therefore make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following viz imprimis I commend my soul to god my body to the earth to be decently buried and as for that temporal estate as god in his mercy hath lent me I dispose of as followeth viz item I give and bequeath all my customary lands tenements and hereditaments with their appurtenances and being in Copford in the county of Essex unto my grandchild Jn Toller and to his heirs forever but my will and meaning is that my daughter Eliz Toller shall take and receive the rents and profits of the said lands and tenements until my said grandchild Jn Toller shall attain his age of 21yr or day of marriage which shall first happen if my said daughter Eliz shall so long live item I give and bequeath all my freehold lands tenements and hereditaments with their appurtenances lying and being in Copford aforesaid unto my grandchild Eliz Toller and her heirs forever but my will and meaning is that my daughter Eliz Toller shall take and receive the rents and profits of the said lands and tenements until my said grandchild Eliz Toller shall attain her age of 21yr or day of marriage which shall first happen if my said daughter Eliz shall so long live item I give and bequeath unto my said grandchild Eliz Toller the sum of 50li of good and lawful money of England when she shall attain her said age of 21yr item I give and bequeath all my customary lands tenements and hereditaments with their appurtenances lying and being in Earls Colne in the said county unto my grandchild Susanna Toller and her heirs forever but my will and meaning is that my daughter Eliz Toller shall take and receive the rents and profits of the said lands and tenements until my said grandchild Susanna Toller shall attain her age of 21yr or day of marriage which shall first happen if my said daughter shall so long live and also I give and bequeath unto my said grandchild Susanna Toller the full sum of 100li of like money at her said age of 21yr item I give and bequeath unto my grandchild Mary Toller the sum of 20s of like money at her age of 21yr item I give and bequeath unto my grandchild Sarah Toller the sum of 100li of like money when she shall attain her age of 21yr which said sum of 100li is in the hands of my son in law Jn Toller item I give and bequeath unto my grandchild Jn Toller the sum of 20li of like money when he shall attain his said age of one and twenty years and my will and meaning is further that if it shall happen that any of my said grandchildren Jn Toller Eliz Toller Susan Toller Mary Toller or Sarah Toller to die or depart this life before he she or they shall severally accomplish their said ages of 21yr and without issue of his her or their body or bodies lawfully begotten or to be begotten that then I bequeath the part of him her or them so dying to be equally divided between the survivor or survivors of them at their several ages of 21yr item I give and bequeath unto my grandchild Eliz Toller one featherbed and one bedstead with their appurtenances item I give and bequeath unto my grandchild Susanna Toller one featherbed and one bedstead with their appurtenances and one trunk item I give and bequeath unto my grandchild Mary Toller one box item I give and bequeath unto my grandchildren Eliz Toller Susanna Toller Mary Toller and Sarah Toller all other my household stuff and linen to be equally divided between them part and part alike and to be delivered unto them when they shall accomplish their said ages of 18yr or days of marriage which shall first happen and if it shall happen that either of them shall die before she or they attain their said ages of 18yr and not married that then the part or parts or her or them so dying shall be divided and delivered to the survivor or survivors of them at her or their said ages of 18yr or days of marriage item I give and bequeath unto Eliz South daughter of Joseph South of Tiptry the sum of 5li of like money at her age of 21yr item I give and bequeath unto Joseph South and Thos South sons of the said Joseph South the sum of 50s of like money apiece when they shall severally attain the said ages of 21yr item all the rest of my goods and chattels whatsoever and wheresoever unbequeathed I give and bequeath unto my daughter Eliz Toller and my grandchild Jn Toller to pay my debts funeral charges and proving of this my will whom I do nominate and make whole and sole executors of this my last will and testament and I do appoint my loving friend Wm Lay of Copford aforesaid supervisor to see my will performed and for his pains and care I give unto him 20s of like money so revoking all former wills I do ordain this to be my last will witness my hand and seal the day and year first above written mark Susanna Mitten sealed and published and also the word eighteen was first interlined in presence of Jn Sillett mark Margt White Jn Clyatt Wm Lay