in the name of god amen I Edw Ingram of Halsted in the county of Essex gent being sick in body but of sound and perfect memory thanks be given to almighty god for the same do make this my last will and testament in manner following viz imprimis I give and bequeath unto my loving wife mrs Mary Ingram during the term of her natural life that house and copyhold land with the appurtenances to the same belonging in the occupation of Jn Miller the younger and that house with the lands and appurtenances to the same belonging in the occupation of Robt Browne and that house yard and appurtenances to the same belonging in the occupation of Joseph Gibbs she keeping all the same premises in tenantable reparations having liberty to fell timber on any part of the several premises for repairing the same item I give and bequeath unto my said loving wife the sum of 290li of lawful money of England and all my plate rings jewels and linen except what is herein afterwards bequeathed and I also give unto her the further sum of 30li and my will is that the several sums of 290li and 30li shall be paid her by any bonds or other securities that I now have or may have which she shall think fit to choose at the time of my decease without being accountable for the same to any person or persons whatsoever item I give unto my daughter mrs Penelope Godwin during her natural life the use or interest of 200li to be paid her quarterly free from all taxes by my executrix herein after named and her receipt shall be a full discharge for the same and after her decease my will is the said 200li shall be divided as followeth viz I give 50li part thereof to my grandchild Penelope Godwin and 50li part thereof to my grandchild Mary Godwin and 50li part thereof to my grandchild Ann Godwin and 50li being the remaining part of the said 200li to my grandchild Agnes Godwin item after the death of my said loving wife I give and bequeath all the said house and copyhold land with the appurtenances now in the occupation of the said Jn Miller t he elder to my daughter Penelope Godwin for the term of her natural life she keeping the same tenantable repair and felling no timber except such as is needful for repairing the said premises and after her decease I give and bequeath the said premises unto my grandchild Mary Godwin whom I have kept from her birth and to the heirs of her body lawfully to be begotten and for want of such issue I give and devise the said last mentioned premises unto my granddaughters Ann Godwin Penelope Godwin and Agnes Godwin severally as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and to the several and respective heirs of their several bodies lawfully to be begotten and if any of my said three granddaughters last mentioned shall happen to die without heirs of her body of her body (sic) then I give and devise the part and share of her or them so dying in the said premises unto the survivors and survivor of my three grandchildren severally as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and to the heirs of the body and bodies of such survivors or survivor lawfully to be begotten item I give and bequeath after the decease of my loving wife that house with the land and appurtenances to the same belonging now in the occupation of the said Jn Miller the younger to my grandchild Ann Godwin and the heirs of her body lawfully to be begotten and for want of such heirs I give and devise the said last mentioned premises unto my granddaughters Penelope Godwin Mary Godwin and Agnes Godwin severally as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and to the several and respective heirs of their several bodies lawfully to be begotten and if any of my three (sic) daughters last mentioned shall happen to die without heirs of her body then I give and devise the part and share of her or them so dying in the said premises unto the survivors and survivor (sic) lawfully to be begotten item I give and bequeath after the decease of my said loving wife that house wherein Robt Browne now dwelleth with the land thereunto belonging with the appurtenances to my grandchild Penelope Godwin and the heirs of her body lawfully to be begotten and for want of such heirs I give and devise the said last mentioned premises unto my granddaughters Ann Godwin Mary Godwin and Agnes Godwin severally as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and to the several and respective heirs of their several bodies lawfully to be begotten and if any of my said three granddaughters last mentioned shall happen to die without heirs of her body then I give and devise the part and share of her or them so dying in the said premises unto the survivors and survivor of my three grandchildren severally as tenants in common and not as joint tenants to the heirs of their body and bodies of such survivors or survivor lawfully to be begotten item I give and bequeath unto my said grandchild Mary Godwin and the heirs of her body lawfully to be begotten the house garden orchard with all the ways profits and appurtenances as the same premises now in my own occupation and all my household goods beds bedding and all other things as they now stand but my will is that my said loving wife shall have the use rents and profits of all my last mentioned premises with every of their appurtenances together with the use of the said household goods beds and bedding as they now stand until my said grandchild Mary Godwin shall attain her age of 21yr of age or day of marriage which shall first happen but my will is if my said loving wife shall be living after my said grandchild Mary Godwin shall attain her age of 21yr or day of marriage then my will is that my said loving wife shall have only the use of the hall wherein I usually keep and the best chamber hanged with tapestry hangings and the use of the bed in the same room and all other necessaries to furnish the said room as she shall think fit and the use of the little chamber adjoining to the same where my physic pots glasses and books stand with liberty of walking into the garden and orchard and the use of the pump during her natural life item I give and bequeath unto my said loving wife all my books physic pots and physic but my will further is if my said grandchild Mary Godwin shall not live to attain her age of 21yr or die without issue of her body lawfully to be begotten then I give the said house orchard and garden with all the appurtenances as aforesaid now in my own occupation unto my granddaughters Ann Godwin Penelope Godwin and Agnes Godwin severally as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and to the several and respective heirs of their several bodies lawfully to be begotten and if any of my three granddaughters last mentioned shall happen to die without heirs of her body then I give and devise the part and share of her or them so dying in the said premises unto the survivors and survivor of my said three grandchildren severally as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and to the heirs of the body and bodies of such survivors or survivor lawfully to be begotten and for want of such heirs to my grandchild Edw Ingram and his heirs forever item I give and bequeath that house with the appurtenances in the occupation of Jn Spurgion and the house late in the occupation of Chas Steward and now of Thos Garrard and the house late in the occupation of Thos Mason with their appurtenances and the house in the occupation of Thos Mann with the yards and appurtenances to the same belonging and that house with the yards and appurtenances in the occupation of Rich Cooper also that messuage and lands with the appurtenances which I late purchased of Jn Crow the elder and Jn Crow the younger called Malloryes or otherwise and that messuage or tenement in the occupation of Joseph Gibbs herein before given unto my said loving wife for life to my said grandchild Mary Godwin and to the heirs of her body lawfully to be begotten and for want of such issue then I give and devise the said last mentioned premises unto my granddaughters Ann Godwin Penelope Godwin and Agnes Godwin severally as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and to the several and respective heirs of their several bodies lawfully to be begotten and if any of my said three (sic) daughters last mentioned shall happen to die without heirs of her body then I give and devise the part and share of her or them so dying in the said premises to the survivors and survivor of my said three (sic) daughters severally as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and to the heirs of the body and bodies of such survivors or survivor lawfully to be begotten and for want of such heirs I give all those premises to my said grandchild Edw Ingram and his heirs forever item I give and bequeath unto my grandchild Mary Godwin and her assigns all the money due on one mortgage of a cottage holden by copy of court roll of the manor of Stansted made to me by Elias Savill and the sum of 25li of lawful money of England to be paid her within one month next after my decease item I give and bequeath two tenements with their appurtenances which I late purchased of David Mullins and two parts of a messuage and lands called Pannellsash which I late purchased of Chas Oliver and his wife and Rylee and his wife and that messuage in the occupation of Geo Wall and others which I late purchased of mr Sam Fiske to my grandchild Ann Godwin and to the heirs of her body lawfully to be begotten and for want of such heirs I give and devise the said last mentioned premises unto my granddaughters Mary Godwin Penelope Godwin and Agnes Godwin severally as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and to the several and respective heirs of their several bodies lawfully to be begotten and if any of my said three (sic) daughters last mentioned shall happen to die without heirs of her body then I give and devise the part and shares of her or them so dying in the said premises unto the survivors and survivor of my said three grandchildren severally as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and to the heirs of the body and bodies of such survivors or survivor lawfully to be begotten and for want of such heirs I give all the said premises to my said grandchild Edw Ingram and his heirs forever item I give and bequeath unto my said grandchild Ann Godwin the sum of 100li of lawful money of England to be paid her at her age of 21yr or day of marriage which shall first happen item I give and bequeath unto my grandchild Penelope Godwin the sum of 100li to be paid her at her age of 21yr or day of marriage which shall first happen item I give and bequeath unto my grandchild Agnes Godwin the sum of 50li of lawful money of England to be paid her at her age of 21yr or day of marriage which shall first happen and if any or other of my said granddaughter or granddaughters shall depart this life before her or their legacy or legacies shall become due then I give and bequeath and my will is that her or their legacy or legacies so dying shall come and be to the survivors or survivor of them item I give and bequeath unto my grandson Edw Ingram and his heirs forever my capital messuage with all the barns stables outhouses lands meadows pastures ways waters hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or reputed to be appertaining called Stephen Smiths or otherwise as the same premises are situate lying and being in Alphamstone in the said county and now are in the occupation of Thos Hall his assignee or assigns and all my three tenements in the same parish with their and every of their appurtenances which said premises are now or late were in the several occupations of Robt Scott Horne and others and also all that house and land which I purchased of Hen Bigg situate lying and being in Lamarsh and in the occupation of his assignee or assigns and also all that meadow which I late purchased of Israel Towers containing 2a more or less and also all that my house with the appurtenances adjoining to the churchyard in Halstead now in the occupation of Edw Morley and two other tenements situate in Halsted in the occupation of Nich Thorby and others and also the sum of 70li of lawful money of England to be paid him in two months next after my decease and my silver flagon and my watch and my gold ring with the Turkey stone and my ring with the blue and red stone which I much value and my will is that all my said legacies shall be paid at my now dwelling house in Halsted as they shall become due and whereas I have 200li stock in the Royal African Company I give and bequeath 50li of the said stock to my said grandchild Edw Ingram and his assigns and 50li more of the said stock to my grandchild Penelope Godwin and her assigns and 50li more of the said stock to my grandchild Ann Godwin and also the other 50li being the remainder of the said 200li stock to my said grandchild Agnes Godwin and her assigns and whereas I have 100li stock in the honourable the East India Company I give and bequeath 50li part thereof to my said grandchild Edw Ingram and his assigns and the other 50li I give and bequeath to my said grandchild Mary Godwin and her assigns and my share in mr Neals diving stock I give to my grandchild Agnes Godwin and her assigns item I give to my said daughter mrs Penelope Godwin two broad pieces of gold and 2angel pieces of gold item I give to my loving friend mr Nich Marrett 40s provideth he doth not resign his executorship to this my will item I give to my kinsman mr Jn Morley the younger 1guinea in gold and to my maidservant Rebecca Bloome 40s and crepe to make her a gown and petticoat provided she liveth with me so long as I live and to the ancientist (sic) poor people of the parish of Halsted 30s at the discretion of my executors hereafter named and my will is that the rest and residue of my personal estate not herein before bequeathed after my debts legacies and funeral expenses and probate of this my will be discharged which I desire may be with all moderation I give and bequeath to and amongst all my grandchildren which shall be living at the time of my decease to be equally divided within one month next after my decease at the discretion of my loving friends the said mr Nich Marrett and my loving kinsman mr Jn Morley or their assigns and my will is if my personal estate shall fall short or the payment of my debts and legacies that one of my said legatees shall bear an equal and several share of what the same shall fall short my loving wife only excepted and my will is that my loving wife shall receive and enjoy to her own use without any account the rents issues and profits of all the estate real and personal herein before by me bequeathed unto my grandchildren Mary Godwin and Ann Godwin for and towards their maintenance and education until they shall attain their several ages of 21yr or days of marriage which shall first happen and I appoint my said loving wife guardian of the bodies of my said grandchildren Mary Godwin and Ann Godwin until their ages of 21yr or day of marriage which shall first happen and my express mind and will is that neither their father nor their mother shall have anything to do with their estate real or personal herein before bequeathed nor any part or parcel thereof but my will is if my said grandchild Edw Ingram shall occasion any trouble to any person or persons in this my will mentioned for or concerning anything contained or obstruct the same either at common law or courts of equity or shall upon request refuse to do any act or acts for the confirmation thereof according to my true intent and meaning at the cost and charges of the person or persons that shall desire the same or shall upon request refuse to make and execute or release or releases or any other act or acts to any person or persons their heirs or assigns to whom I have sold any estate in houses or lands for the further assurance of the said premises at the costs and charges of the person or persons requiring the same then my will and mind is that all and every the aforementioned gifts and devises in houses or lands herein aforegiven to my said grandson Edw Ingram shall cease and be utterly void and then and from thenceforth I give and devise all and every the said houses lands and real estate aforementioned to be given to my said grandchild Edw Ingram unto all my said four granddaughters and their heirs and assigns forever to be equally divided amongst them and in such case I desire and request my said loving friends Nich Marritt and Jn Morley to make an equal division thereof accordingly and I do hereby nominate and appoint my loving wife mrs Mary Ingram and my good friend mr Nich Marrett executor and executrix of this my last will and testament and my loving kinsman mr Jn Morley supervisor of the same contained in four sheets of paper in witness whereof to the last sheet hereof I have set my hand and seal the 18.6.1697 etc. Edw Ingram signed sealed published and declared by the testator in our presence and afterwards in his presence this last will was attested and subscribed by us Jn Baker Wm Newman Jn King Jn Morley