this 1.4.1702 I Francis Hunwick of Halsted in the county of Essex clothier being infirm of body yet of sound mind and memory thanks be given to almighty god therefore and being mindful of my latter end do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following imprimis I give my loving wife 20li which said 20li I promised to give her at our intermarriage and for the sure payment thereof I did enter bond by one obligation bearing date 19.6.1688 to be paid within one month after my decease and I give also unto my loving wife 20li to be paid to her within three months after my decease and I do order and my mind and will is that my executors shall carry and deliver all those goods and household stuff that my wife brought with her as doth appear by one inventory bearing date 19.6.1688 to any place she shall appoint in Colchester item I give unto my son Francis Hunwick the sum of 50li but upon this condition that he shall suffer my wife quietly and peaceably to dwell in that part of the messuage wherein I now dwell some time after my decease six months if design to continue there so long but my said son shall refuse so to do then he shall pay my said wife out of the said 50li the sum of 3li and my mind and will further is that my executors shall allow my said wife reasonable firing during the said six months if she continue there so long item I give unto my said son Francis all that my freehold messuage wherein I now dwell called or known by the name of Barbarycan with all the tenements yards gardens and orchards thereto belonging during the term of his natural life and after his decease I give the same unto my grandson Francis Hunwick son of the said Francis and to his heirs forever item I give and bequeath unto my son Jn Hunwick all my five crofts of land called Evering Crofts which were given me by my uncle Allen Hunwick and also one messuage or two tenements now in the occupation of my said son Jn and one croft of land thereto belonging which I purchased of Edw Ingram all which said houses lands and premises are freehold and are lying in Halsted and my will and mind is that my said son Jn shall have and enjoy the said tenements and parcels of land with the appurtenances during the term of his natural life and after his decease if he leave any child or children lawfully begotten of his body but if his daughter Ellin only then I give the said lands and tenements with their appurtenances unto my granddaughter Ellen Hunwick daughter of my said son Jn and to her heirs of her body forever but if it shall happen that my said son Jn leave any more child or children lawfully begotten of his body than his daughter Ellen only then my will and mind is that the said lands and tenements with their appurtenances be divided part of it to such child or children if he happen to have any more as my son Jn shall appoint his last will and testament in writing but for want of such appointment I give the said lands and tenements with their appurtenances unto my said granddaughter Ellen Hunwick and to the heirs which shall be begotten on her body forever but for (faded) for heirs begotten on her body then after decease I give the (faded) lands and tenements with the appurtenances to my right heirs forever my mind and will is that if my son Jn (faded) happen to depart this life before child or children which I have (faded) given the house and lands unto shall attain the age of 14yr (faded) then my will and mind is that my daughter in law the mother of (faded) said child or children shall have and enjoy all the said lands and (faded) towards the bringing up of the said child or children until he (faded) shall attain the age of 14yr but upon the express condition anything to the contrary notwithstanding that is if (faded) continue a widow and keep all the houses in good repair (faded) shall not sell any wood or timber of the premises neither cut (faded) fell down any trees neither crop nor lop any trees which (faded) not formerly being cropped and lopped and keep the fences up in good (faded) repair for my mind and will is that if my daughter in law do not (faded) observe keep and perform these conditions heretofore expressed (faded) I do request nominate and appoint my son Francis my son in law Thos Browne my grandson Francis Hunwick to be (faded) for the said child or children and to take the said lands and tenements (faded) my said daughter in law's hand and to improve them to the sole (faded) benefit of the said child or children until the said child or children shall attain the age of 14yr and I do hereby (faded) and empower them or one of them to do the same item I give and bequeath unto my son in law Thos Browne and (faded) forever my two houses in Hedingham Sibble in the occupation of Hen Ludbractt and Thos Start with the outhouses (faded) gardens and orchards with the appurtenances but upon this express condition that he shall pay or cause to be paid within one year of his (faded) the sum of 10li apiece unto his eight children (faded) but if any default be made in the payment of the said 10li apiece I do hereby authorise them or any of them which are not paid their said 10li to enter upon the said premises and enjoy the same until they be fully satisfied and paid item I give and bequeath unto my grandson Joseph Browne and his heirs forever all that my messuage or tenement in Hedingham Sibble in the occupation of Wm Sarlls with the outhouses yards gardens and orchards with the appurtenances but if it shall happen that the said Joseph Browne depart this life before he attain the age of 21yr and leave no heirs of his body begotten then I give the messuage with the appurtenances unto all his brothers and sisters and their heirs forever item I give unto my son Jn Hunwick the sum of 40li item I give and bequeath unto my son Francis Hunwick the sum of 30li the reason I give him not more in this my will is because I have given him some already item I give and bequeath unto the eight children of my daughter Eliz deceased the late wife of Thos Browne the sum of 60li that is to say to Joseph Browne 4li and to the seven 8li apiece item I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter Ellin Hunwick daughter of my son Jn the sum of 10li item I give and bequeath unto the three children of my grandson Francis Hunwick the sum of 30li that is to say to Francis 15li to Sarah 10li and to the youngest 5li item I give and bequeath unto my nephew Allen Hunwick the sum of 10li for him to improve for the sole use and benefit of his children and to give them as he in his discretion shall see meet my mind and will is that my executors hereafter named shall satisfy and pay all my legacies above bequeathed within three months after my decease but if it shall happen that any of the legacies except Susan my wife depart this life before me or after me or before the three months for payment of the said legacies be expired then the said legacy or legacies of him her or them so dying shall be paid to the child or children of him her or them so dying but if it shall happen that any of the said legatees die and leave no child nor children then my will is their legacies shall be equally divided amongst the brothers and sisters of him her or them so dying item I give and bequeath unto my greatgrandchild Jn Start son of my granddaughter Eliz the late wife of Jn Start deceased the sum of 30li to be paid into the hands of Francis within three months after my decease for him to improve for the sole use and benefit of the said child Jn Start but if it shall happen that the said Jn Start depart this life before he shall attain the age of 21yr and leave no heirs of his body begotten then I give the said 30li with what profit is made of it to the children of my grandson Francis Hunwick equally to be divided amongst so many of them as shall be then alive and my mind and will is further that those of the legatees as are under age my executors shall pay their legacies unto their father or guardian to be improved by laying out purchase or by way of interest for the only use of the said child or children and what profit is made of it to be paid to them with the principal when he her or them shall attain the age of 21yr or day of marriage which shall first happen and the receipt of the father or guardian of such of the legatees as are under age shall be a sufficient discharge for my executors item I give unto my loving wife the livery cupboard standing upon the stairs head item I give unto my son Francis the chest in the hall chamber and the copper and little which are both in the beerhouse item I give unto my son Jn the chest standing in the parlour and the press cupboard in the hall item I give unto my granddaughter Eliz Browne the bedsteadle in the hall chamber with valance and curtains item I give unto my granddaughter Mary Browne the trundle bedsteadle and the livery cupboard both standing in the parlour item I give unto my friend Thos Upsher of Colchester the sum of 5li item I give to my friend Sam Parmentor of Bellsham 50s the last two legacies to be paid immediately after my decease and my mind and will is that if any loss happen in getting my estate by suits of law or otherwise so that that their is not enough to pay all my legacies which are of my kindred shall bear proportional part according to the quantity I have given them item I give and do hereby order my executors to pay unto poor friends the sum of 12s6d and to some other poor females the sum of 20s as I shall order by note under my hand item I give to old Thos Barns 10s the three last mentioned legacies to be paid immediately after my decease my mind is when all my debts and legacies and funeral charges be satisfied and paid whatsoever is spare shall be equally divided to and amongst my three executors of this my last will and testament revoking all former wills by me heretofore made and do declare this to be my full mind and will written in two sheets of paper in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal Francis Hunwick sen signed sealed published and declared to be my last will and testament in the presence of Francis Clerke Chris Finch Lawrence Dunt