this is the last will and testament of me
Steph Hubbard
senior carpenter of Earls Colne my just debts and funeral expenses being first paid it is my desire that as soon as may conveniently be after my decease that my executor should dispose of the whole of my property real and personal by public auction and whereas I have borrowed the sum of £130 of mr
Jn Guyon
for which he holds no legal security I hereby direct my executor to discharge this debt with the interest thereon and that the clear proceeds of all my property be then divided into three equal portions and shares between my three children share and share alike upon condition that they do agree and secure in such manner as my executor shall deem legally binding each of them to pay weekly the sum of 1s4d into the hands of their mother during the term of her natural life and to provide her with a decent funeral after her decease and I do hereby constitute and appoint my son in law
Jos Monk
my sole executor as witness my mark this
Steph Hubbard
signed sealed and delivered in the presence of
H.H. Carwardine
Colne Priory
Hen Fitch