a minute of this meeting in 1720 advises that when persons professly with us have proved so base and unworthy as when they have run themselves into debt to remove themselves or their effects to prevent justice whereby those creditors who are friends have been deprived of the opportunity of the common method of friends specified in the aforesaid minute it is hereby declared that the last paragraph of the said minute which prohibits friends to sue or arrest one another etc is not intended to prevent such evil persons in those practices of being dealt with by legal process as the nature of the case may require of which circumstance the monthly and quarterly meeting are the proper judges so it is not doubted that they will do justice to the parties concerned therein to which this meeting adds and do request every monthly meeting to appoint and depute proper persons out of their several meetings for such friends as may have occasion to advice with the intervals of monthly meetings and if they see cause to give liberty to recover as above whereas it may happen that some friends may suffer much in their reputation and character by a detracting spirit which too much privacy amongst some bearing our name who shelter themselves under a pretence that they say no more than they have heard from others but will not discover who they are wherefor to prevent this evil of reporting and talebearing to the prejudice of others it is agreed that such reporters and talebearers shall either discover the authors or be dealt with and testified against as authors thereof a true copy Benj Bourne