1669 whereas Giles Spicer of Gosfield in the county of Essex and Mary Everard of the same town and county declared their intentions of marriage at several meetings of the people of god called quakers in Essex which was approved of the said meetings now these are to certify all people whom it may concern that for the full determining of the intentions aforesaid this 12.12.1669 in an assembly of the people of god aforesaid at their meeting place in Heningham Sible the said Giles Spicer did solemnly in the fear of god according to the example of the holy men of god recorded in the holy scriptures of truth take the said Mary Everard to be his wife and likewise she the said Mary Everard then and there did take the said Giles Spicer to be her husband each of them promising to be faithful one to the other he as a loving husband and she as a loving and obedient wife so long as they should live and we who were then present at their taking each other have hereunto set our hands witness unto the same the day and year aforesaid Joseph Harvey Edw King Wm French Dan King Wm Cant Dorithy King Nath Allen Math Jn King Mary Bassom Robt Parmenter Geo Barnard Eliz King