Maps and Images of Earls Colne
Click on the "thumbnail" graphics below to view larger, more
detailed images. Please note, the large images are quite large in
file size and may require considerable download time. They may also
appear dithered on monitors with low color depth.
The maps used in the database were copied from this map and then
overlaid with the map accompanying the 1838 Tithe Award.
The houses are shown street by street starting from the east end of
the village. Relevant house numbers that link into the database can
be found by looking at the text accompanying the enlarged images.
Colneford Hill

Lower Holt Street

North-west side
South-East side
Upper Holt Street

North-west side
South-East side
Church and Shut Lane

High Street

South side
North side
Burrows Road
Colne Green

South side
North side
Chalkney Mill
Lodge Farm
Other outlying houses and fields