to the quarter sessions of the peace held at Chelmsford 14.4.1713 and abide to Kelvedon 29.4.1713 Jn Cressener one of her majesty's justice of the peace of this county do upon my own view present that in the highway between Great Coggeshall and Earls Colne against the cottage of Jn Tibball in the parish of Great Coggeshall aforesaid a very deep hole near 12ft deep in water was dug in the ditch of Rich Brewer in Great Coggeshall to the great decay of the said highway is hereby made and near a quarter part of the highway is fallen in and is so very dangerous that her majesty's liege people cannot pass and repass as they ought to do and that the said Rich Brewer of Great Coggeshall aforesaid ought to repair amend and fill up the same and do give him time to do the same unto the 24.6.1713 next ensuing upon pain of 40s Jn Cressener