(very faint)
of manor# of the priory#
whether a lease or no conveyance agreed upon by A of the one part and B on the other part witnesseth memo that the part A hath let unto the said B all that his said messuage tenement and lands in Earls Colne or Much Tey called or known by the name of
and 2a of meadow lying in Much Tey called
Colne Meadow
or by whatsoever other name the same now is or heretofore hath been called from the feast day of st mich the archangel last past before the date hereof until the full end and term of one whole year from thence next ensuing and fully to be complete and ended and so forward from year to year until three years be expired finished and ended yielding and paying therefore yearly the full sum of 20li of good and lawful money of England at every the said feast days or within ten days after