The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

colour photographs of Naga artefacts from various sources

caption: Rongsuscu, cloth which can be worn by a man who is descended from a father and grandfather who have sacrificed mithan and who has sacrificed mithan himself. Can be worn by a woman whose father has sacrificed mithan and in whose name the mithan sacrifice has been done. Tassel fringe of red-dyed goat and black human hair at both edges. Tassels are bound with wool and ornamented with cowries. Tufted with red wool all over one side. Given by Lentinoktan. Ao, Akhoia village. [three strips. Tassels of vegetable fibre and other material.]
medium: artefacts
person: Lentinoktan
ethnicgroup: Ao
location: Akhoia
size:134 x 96 (h)cm
ethnicgroup: Ao
location: Akhoia
refnum: 5:91-92
person: Mills/ J.P.
date: 5.9.1920
note: from Lentinoktan
form: gift
person: Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford
refnum: 1928.69.715
note: descriptions derived from original source material unless in square brackets or otherwise stated