The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database
  1. colour photographs of Naga artefacts from various sources
    .. Given by Lentinoktan... Tassels of vegetable fibre and other material.] artefacts Lentinoktan Ao Akhoia error Ao Akhoia 5:..1920-09-05 from Lentinoktan gift Pitt Rivers Museum,.. Given by Lentinoktan... Tassels of vegetable fibre and other material.] 1920-09-05 51 R10638 Lentinoktan naga objects..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:35
  2. typescript - J.H. Hutton's tour diary in the Naga Hills
    Lentinoktan Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,.. Previous 8 Deaths from smallpox at Kansing Tolubu tours Lentinoktan Merangkong Kuntsung Toluba (Kansing Toluba) 1926-07-11:.. Lentinoktan met me here and I heard that Kansing Toluba had lost forty people from smallpox recently,.. Lentinoktan met me here and..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:08:08