The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript tour diary of W.G. Archer, S.D.O. Mokokchung 1947

caption: visit to Khensa, Chungtia and Aliba
caption: morungs at Khensa
medium: tours
ethnicgroup: Ao
location: Khensa
date: 11.2.1947
person: Archer/ W.G.
date: 31.12.1946-14.2.1947
text: Although the morungs are very far from derelict, none of them has carvings, and none is at present used by boys as dormitories. I noticed that in order to get a better view of me a girl ran into one of them and when I said that I thought that this was strictly forbidden, the villagers said that formerly it was so but that now a days notice would be taken only if a girl intruded when boys were in the morung or if she entered it on a genna day.