The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters

caption: tour diary of C.R. Pawsey of a frontier expedition into the Patkoi area
medium: toursnotes
location: Chomi (Choemi) Rangkyu (Zangru)
date: 22.5.1947
person: Pawsey/ C.R.Archer/ W.G.
date: 1946-1948
refnum: 13:20
text: 22nd May '47. To Choemi - 11 miles (6-30 A.M. - 1 P.M.) Cool except for the last 2,000' ft. climb which was very hot indeed.
text: The houses are mostly slate roofed with high canes and solid walls of bamboos or planks. The brewery is kept separate at one end of the house with the door in the side and not at the end. The houses are clean. A very strong double fence, bridged in places, surrounds the village. There are magnificent bamboo groves all round it.
text: Camped in full reserve on Zangru side of village. Rain at night.