The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters

caption: tour diary of C.R. Pawsey of a frontier expedition into the Patkoi area
medium: toursnotes
location: Zungki River Sampurre Nitoi Sanunl Takiya (Thakuya) Tsutuho Khuvukhu Sisbimi Nikiya (Nikuya) Meluri (Melore) Kitangre Kiphire Chomi (Choemi)
date: 21.5.1947
person: Pawsey/ C.R.Archer/ W.G.
date: 1946-1948
refnum: 13:20
text: 21st May '47. Zungki River Camp 9 miles (6-30 A.M. - 12 noon.) Below Sampurre. The column went straight to camp and I went another two miles up the hill to the village. We got started early and avoided the midday heat. There was a great gathering at the River. Nitoi, Sanunl (sic), Thakuya, Tsutuho, Khuvukhu, Sisbimi, Nikuya, Melore, Kitangre, Kiphire, Sampoore, Choemi - some hundreds strong.
text: Arranged to leave behind surplus loads and one sick sepoy.