The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters

caption: tour diary of C.R. Pawsey of a frontier expedition into the Patkoi area
caption: issuing of rifles to Nagas by Assistant Resident at Lahe, Burma
medium: toursnotes
person: Ruperno (Rupemo)Tuitsamo
location: Zungki River Sampurre Zhumkiri (Zhunkiri) Chomi (Choemi) Lahe Somra Tract Tsera Makware Kaiyakzongru
date: 28.5.1947
person: Pawsey/ C.R.Archer/ W.G.
date: 1946-1948
refnum: 13:20
text: 28th May '47. To the Zungki River, below Sampurre. 9 miles (6-30 A.M. - 1 P.M.) War began over possession of salt wells. Parties previously always friendly. As soon as sowing is over, formal peace will be made.
text: I have said the village which breaks the peace will be punished by the award of ten rifles and ammunition to the non-breaker.
text: On the way made peace between Zhunkiri and Choemi. Choemi got two rifles from the Assistant Resident at Lahe in the Somra Tract, Burma in the following way. A man called Ruperno was originally an inhabitant of Choemi but went to live in Tsera village in the Somra Tract. While there he heard his old village were at war with Zhumkiri and went to their aid with a muzzle loading gun (Choemi have no arms). Rupemo (sic) and Choemi with this gun were able to wound Tuitsamo G.B. of Zhumkiri by shooting him through the calf of his left leg. Elated by this success, Choemi thought they would have a shot at getting some rifles out of the Assistant Resident at Lahe and spun a wonderful yarn that they were in danger of being exterminated by Makware, on the Burma side of the border and so got the two rifles. These I have now confiscated as well as one issued by the same officer to KAIYAKZONGRU, and shall hang on to all three. The more he issues, the better I shall be pleased. Got into camps at noon and then sent off Interpreters to arrange porters for the return journey. Paid off Scouts.