The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript notes made by W.G. Archer between 1946 & 1948, and miscellaneous papers and letters

caption: notes from Archer's tour diary about house horns and gennas
medium: toursnotes
person: PawseyKosazu
location: Kigwema Khonoma
date: 16.1.1947
person: Archer/ W.G.
date: 1946-1948
refnum: 15:9
text: (see tour diary)
text: 16 January.
text: The jeep returned yesterday with Pawsey's camp bed and after blocking the holes with camp chairs and a bedding roll, I passed a snug night. During the evening called up Kosazu dobashi and asked him why Kigwema has 'house-horns' and carvings and Khonoma none. The explanation is quite simple for the Kigwema scale for feasts of merit is comparatively lower and the feasts themselves are in general fewer and more simple. The first genna is moza and only one cow and two pigs are needed. After this, there is a group of four gennas, all of them being collectively known as zhatho. Each involves nine cattle and nine pigs. The first two are called Kida and are merely preliminaries. The third is lesu and entitles the performer to carvings, while the fourth, chisu, involves stone-pulling and entitles him to 'house-horns'. Kosazu thinks that Kigwema as a whole fifty householders have completed chisu and as many houses wear horns.
text: Spent the morning waiting for the porters. At last they came and we got away at 2. My climbing boots again did good service and by keeping just behind a porter, I managed even the steepest 'short- cuts'. It is the same principle as in running. A mile is not nearly the same effort if another man sets the pace. It is the same also in rock climbing. If you concentrate on the move in hand, you lose all sense of exposure.