The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript 'Journey to Nagaland', by Mildred Archer. An account of six months spent in the Naga Hills in 1947

caption: Pawsey's schemes: electricity and agriculture
medium: diaries
person: Pawsey/ Charles
location: Kohima
date: 28.8.1947
person: Archer/ Mildred
date: 9.7.1947-4.12.1947
text: 28 August. Kohima.
text: The last two days I have been going round with Pawsey in his jeep to see some of his schemes and experiments. His work was sadly interrupted by the war when he had first to cope with refugees pouring out of Burma to Manipur Road and then with the Army itself. After the war he was concerned with rebuilding Kohima and the surrounding villages and resettling their inhabitants.
text: Now he has returned with renewed energy to his old interests. He is again encouraging Nagas to adopt new implements and new crops. He has done much to introduce potatoes, pineapples, oranges and terraced rice fields. Today he showed me his (58) plantation of tung oil trees with which he is experimenting. If they grow he thinks the Nagas will get a good price for the nuts from which quick-drying paint and varnish are made.
text: His other great interest is electricity and Kohima and the surrounding Naga villages must be some of the very few in India which now have electric light. Pawsey holds that it could be extended all over the Naga Hills at a very low cost as all that is needed is a simple Helton wheel and a small turbine driven by the abundant mountain streams. While the plains 'slumber in darkness', the Nagas are already in the age of electricity.