The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga diary two

caption: preparations for rebuilding morung; setting out on expedition
medium: diaries
ethnicgroup: Konyak
location: Wakching
date: 6.11.1936
person: Furer-Haimendorf
date: 2.6.1936-11.7.1937
note: translated from german by Dr Ruth Barnes
person: School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London
text: Wakching 6/11/1936.
text: The whole day was spent with preparations for tomorrow's departure. The Wakching people are constantly nagging me to bring them a head which they need desperately for the rebuilding of the The-pong morung. I will see what I can do. Nothing much is going on in Wakching right now. The The-pong people are busy with their preparations for the rebuilding of the morung. Several others are working on their granaries or houses.