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legends of origins of Wakching Ang |
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Wanching and Wakching are of one and the same root. When they separated, two Angs' sons shared the rulership.The older became Ang of Wanching, the younger of Wakching. Both married Ang women but only the Wakching Ang had a son. At the same time the wife of the older brother gave birth to a daughter. The Ang took her to Wakching and he succeeded in secretly exchanging the two children, thus Wanching had a successor to the throne who had pure Ang blood. The Wakching Ang had no more sons with his Ang wife but had a son with one of his Ben wives. In addition Pongyong said that the clan of the Wakching Angs (120) which ruled until about thirty years ago had been a very small one. The Great Angs of Wanching had a violent end. The last Ang was a cruel and unjust ruler so that not only the commoners of the village were against him but his own clans-people as well. A young Ang killed him and when his dao split the head of the sacred Ang a flame came out. Shortly afterwards the murderer was struck by lightning out of a blue sky and he was killed on the spot. Wanching then asked Chi for a new Ang, in fact for a man whose mother had come from the house of the Wanching Ang. A short while ago another Ang was deposed in Wanching, Nai-wang, the Ang previous to this one who is Yatu, committed incest with his actual sister, (see Notebook 5 p. 72) and he was forced to give up the position of Ang and leave his house and move into the Totang khel. |