The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga notebook four

caption: special taboos and rituals associated with rice sowing,harvesting
medium: notes
ethnicgroup: Konyak
location: Shiong
date: 19.8.1936
person: Furer-Haimendorf
date: 14.8.1936-5.1937
refnum: School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London
note: [konyak] means text omitted
text: (49) [konyak] Today it is very genna for a stranger to enter a house, but for me an exception was made. Wakching people can enter because Shiong is on Wakching land. No stranger can even pass through the village, they can enter and remain in the morung, but they can't leave the village but must stay for the night, and the Shiong people will not go to any other village. (50) Three days - Oleabu One day - free
text: On the fifth day is Shishakonbu. At Shishakonbu six pairs of leaves are fastened to six of the outer posts of the field house, and two pairs to the two inner main posts. This done for millet. No animal is killed - they still eat the meat of Oleabu. (51) Six gennas with leaves are made:
text: 1. Hashambu - after clearing the fields in the midst of a field a small quadrangular spot is fenced up and gondha-rice sown - this rice is not eaten, but taken only for seeds. At Gim-dzong genna around this spot a big circle is fenced off and the gim-dzong rice is planted - it is neither sold nor lent - it is cooked when a man died. At Gim-dzong no leaves are used.
text: 2. Hakebu - "rice sowing".
text: 3. Shishakonbu
text: 4. Lai-phom-bu (today)
text: 5. Boa-dzak-bu - first rice cutting, as a try, is individually done.
text: (52) 6. Shoangbu, 2 or 3 days before the actual beginning of rice harvest, individually done. On that day they spread mats in the field houses, to put the threshed rice on it. On this day strangers must not enter the house.
text: Words said in feeding the hearth stones: [konyak].
text: (53) The rest of the new rice is put into leaves and hung up as three small bundles in one corner of the house, where similar bundles of other gennas hang which are never removes. [konyak]
text: Shaba is an unseen deity who keeps all of us, men and animals. Shaba has no special place but is in the whole universe and sees everything - "shaba" means - he who keeps his people well. He is not like a man. Shaba and Mauang are on good terms "almost the same". (54) Shawan leads people into the jungle and keeps them there for several days. But one can't see Shawan.