The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf, Naga notebook four

caption: rice sowing rituals
medium: notes
ethnicgroup: Konyak
location: Shiong
date: 16.2.1937
person: Furer-Haimendorf
date: 14.8.1936-5.1937
refnum: School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London
note: [konyak] means text omitted
text: Ghimdzongyebu.
text: On the 11th day of Hashamliet rice is sown on the Ghimdzong. Again a chicken is killed on top of the basket with the seed and the same words said. The rice grown on Ghimdzong is reaped separately (140) and kept in a pot. Only the owner and men of his clan may eat it. Ghimdzong rice is given to the dead at the funeral. This day is genna, strangers may not enter the houses, nothing may be given away.
text: Ahon says that now-a-days the rest of the rice may be sown any day. But when he was a boy the Ghimdzong rice was sown on the 11th day of Hashamliet, but all other rice was sown on the 12th day of Hakailiet (ie. the next month, on Hakaini, by all the villagers on the same day and the following day. This (141) day was genna too. On this day no ceremony was performed.
text: The Ghimdzong must be made on a small bump called Hapho. Near the Ghimdzong two other partitions are made (SKETCH P.141
text: When a child is born some Ghimdzong rice is boiled and fastened to the genna-tree outside the village. For a boy the next day three boys go to the genna-place and one of them, whose parents are both alive, carries the newly born child. An old woman accompanies (143) them. She carries the small basket with the Ghimdzung rice. The same is done for a girl, but in this case three girls go.
text: (144) At the Han-wan-bu (in the month Han-wan-liet) every man takes some rice plants from all four parts of his field (Ghimdzong, Ghamtadzong, Ghamdzu-dzang and Ha-ban-dzong). With these rice plants the woman of the house feeds the hearth-stones as done at the Laiphambu and says the similar words (cf. p. 52). Some of the plants are tied up in leaves and hung up in a corner of the house where they remain with those of former years. Words said when (145) feeding the stones:
text: 'Hearth stones, fire wood, you first eat, you first drink, your stomach first filled, rich, much may come" [konyak].
text: At Laiphambu they also take rice from all four partitions of their fields.