The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf notebook eight

caption: agricultural rituals connected to rice
medium: notes
ethnicgroup: Konyak
location: Longkhai
date: 15.10.1936
person: Furer-Haimendorf
date: 4.10.1936-23.2.1937
note: [konyak] means text omitted
person: School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London
text: One month after O-ya-bu is the Ya-sha-bu which lasts one day. All the villagers go to their fields and take in a "chunga" of rice with them. This day is genna.
text: After that the Yang-yen-bu genna is held (one day). The house holders go to the fields and kill there a chicken or a pig in front of the field house. In killing it he says: (142) [konyak]. After this genna the Shadza-wan-bu lasts two days. 1st day. Dzabhak-bu. On that day all villagers clear the place in front of their house and the place of the village spring. Pigs and chickens are killed by their owners in the fields. Every house holder, or his wife, brings a little red rice and feeds the hearth stones.
text: (143) In feeding the hearth stones the house holder or his wife says: [konyak].
text: 2nd day. Pong-pong-bu. All the people eat and drink in their houses.
text: That the Bho-tak-wang-bu (first reaping) is done by the Benba (cf. p. 139).
text: After harvest the Lau-long-bu is held, only one day. The Yemba goes with all the girls of the village to the fields of the Ang. In the Ang's field house a little rice was left, this is brought to the (144) village by the Yemba and the girls. The Yemba says on the fields: [konyak].
text: When the Yemba comes to the village he shouts: [konyak] "I am coming with the rice, beat the drums!". (145) Then the boys beat the drums in all the three morungs. With this genna the cycle of the agricultural year is closed. In the new year the first two gennas are Kam-kei-wang-bu and Litam-bu (cf. p. 138). After these comes Oya-bu.
text: When the Yemba kills the chickens at Litambu he says: [konyak].