The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf notebook nine

caption: Angs, morungs and clans
medium: notes
ethnicgroup: Konyak
location: Chingtang (Chintang)
date: 28.10.1936
person: Furer-Haimendorf
date: 29.10.1936-24.3.1937
person: School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London
text: (13) Kheang-mei-niang-sho-hu is the old Great Ang clan. Today there is only one house of this clan, in the Ouhui morung.
text: Then an Ang from Sheang-pa, an abandoned site near Kongan was called, his clan is the Duk-ang clan.
text: Afterwards an Ang from Chi was called, his clan is Manba, the present Ang is of this clan, he is the fourth generation of Chi Angs.
text: Manba intermarries with the Dzing-ou-hu and with the Ang-nau morung. (14) Ang-bu-hu was formerly an Ang clan too, and of this clan was the morung Ang of the Ang-nau morung. But now-a-days the Ang-bu-hu has become a Ben clan and eats with the other Ben clans. The Ang-nau is exogamous. In the Ouhui things are more complicated. Duk-ang men must take their wife from other villages, or the Dzu-hu clan, they can't marry any other girl of Chintang. Formerly the Duk-ang clan lived in the Ang-nau. (15) Manba men may take wives from the Dzing-ou-hu and from the Ang-nu morung. The Angnokphong only intermarries with the Dzing-ou-hu. The Dzing-ou-hu intermarries with Manba, Angnokphong and all the clans of the Ang-nau morung. The Dzing-ou-hu is very numerous. The Dzuhu intermarries with the Ang-nau morung and with the Ang clans.