manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf notebook nine | |
caption: | clan history and genealogy |
medium: | notes |
ethnicgroup: | Konyak |
location: | Wakching |
date: | 19.2.1937 |
text: | (135v) Tanyeangnok is a clan of immigrants from the village Tanyeang which was wiped out by Wakching (or Mon?) some generations ago. The clan of Sheangli, who is Yona's sister, is an Ang clan, and therefore the Tanyeangnok girls though living in the Aukheang wear red quills in their ears. |
text: |
(136) ______________________LIEMANG _____________________=Shongna _______________(Shungtahu,_Bala) _________________________| ____________--------------------------------- ____________|_____________|_________________| ________TOANG+_______NIE-ANG___________LONGMEI ______not_married______________________=Sheangli ___________________________________(Tanyeangnok_clan, __________________________________(Aukheang)_Ang_clan, ___________________________________sister_of_Yona) ____________________________________________| _______________________________________------------ _______________________________________|__________| ____________________________________Ugenli_ |
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