The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf notebook twelve

caption: animal sacrifice at ritual and gifts
medium: notes
ethnicgroup: Konyak
location: Wakching
date: 22.4.1937
person: Furer-Haimendorf
date: 24.3.1937-27.4.1937
note: [konyak] means text omitted
person: School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London
text: The Aukheang will kill 12 pigs and 3 cows.
The Angban will kill 7 pigs and 9 cows.
The Bala will kill 14 pigs and 6 cows.
The Balang will kill 2 pigs and 10 cows.
The Thepong will kill 36 pigs, 8 cows and 1 mithan.
text: (145) Today is Ak-pho-bu (pig catch day). Yesterday was Hui ya bu (vegetables take day). The day before yesterday had no name, that day was not yet genna. Tomorrow is Aksheak bu (pig singe day). The day after tomorrow is Dzing-wem-bu (village ceremony). The next day - Lieng-niu-bu (great feast).
text: (146) Chingyang will give to the house of his sister Liphung, who married Punglei + (Yinyonghu, Balang) and in which also the son of his daughter Shuidzing + is living: one hindleg of a pig, two pots of white cooked rice, two chungas of rice beer. Chingyang doesn't receive any presents in exchange at the Oulingbu, but when Liphung dies her son Shalong gives to Chingyang (or his son, if Chingyang is dead) one laya or one field. When Chingyang dies Shalong will give one Ao cloth with goat's hair to be laid upon his coffin. (147) Shuidzing's only son Duknei, a boy of about seven, stayed after his mother had died for more than five years in Chingyang's house. Only last year he went to live in his father's house ie. the house of Liphung. But he is much with Chingyang. Next year he will enter the morung. Chingyang will contribute to the feast one basket with madhu and one basket of white rice. This is, as he says himself, not the custom, but he will do it since he is fond of the boy. (148) Chingyang has no other sisters or nephews, he does not give any other presents therefore. (149) It is said that on the Akphobu (today) it should rain, otherwise the crops will be bad. But on the following days it usually doesn't rain. (150) Shankok will give at Ouling: to the husband of his sister Liphung; one hind-leg of a pig, eight long pieces from the ribs of the pig, four parcels of white rice, (corresponding to the contents of two pots), two chungas of rice beer (yu). It is not usual to give uneven numbers of rice-parcels; two or four are given.
text: (151) Words said by Puknei, the oldest man of Shankok's sib, when killing the latter's cow: [konyak]. (152) When killing the pig next day the following words are said: [konyak].