The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf notebook fourteen

caption: tribute received by Balang morung
medium: notes
ethnicgroup: Konyak
location: Wakching
date: 23.5.1937
person: Furer-Haimendorf
date: 1.5.1937-3.6.1937
person: School of Oriental and African Studies Library, London
text: (112) Balang receives tribute from:
text: Kongan. One "pan-shou" chaul from every house (for the morung). When one of the two Kongan Angs die, the Balang men go to Kongan and eat two pigs of the khel whose Ang has died. They don't give anything in exchange. When the Balang Ang dies Kongan give one cloth, but do not eat a pig. Kongan give to the Balang Ang one dao every year. When the Kongan boys kill a Great Hornbill they give two feathers to the Balang Ang. (113) Whenever Kongan men kill a wild boar they give the tusks to the Balang Ang. If they want to keep them they pay him Rs. 2/- instead. The Kongan Angs see that nobody deprives the Ang of his rights. At the Oulingbu and at the Ouniebu the Balang Ang receives one piece of pork from every pig killed at Kongan.
text: (114) The Balang Ang receives from the Totok villages, Ching-niu and Chinkoh:
text: 15 muk-do baskets dhan from each of the villages. From each of the three Totok villages (Chingha too):
text: 3 heikhai baskets of dried taro
text: 3 heikhai baskets of unhusked millet. When one of the three Angs of Totok dies, the Balang men come and eat one pig. When the Balang Ang dies the Totok men bring (altogether) one cloth and eat one pig (115) provided by the Balang. At the Oulingbu and Ouniebu the Balang Ang receives shares of all pigs killed at Totok.
text: The Balang Ang receives from Punkhung:
text: When a son is born to him two hornbill feathers and one cloth, when a daughter is born to him he receives one cloth and one pair or brass earrings.
text: When the Punkhung Ang dies the Balang men come and eat one pig.
text: (116) When the Balang Ang dies Punkhung gives one cloth. From Choha the Balang Ang receives annually one laya. When the Aukheang is rebuilt the vassal villages give some rupees. When one of them gets burnt the Aukh. men help to rebuild it.