The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf Naga diary on his return to Nagaland, 1970

caption: drive to Laisong village
medium: diaries
person: Bordolai
ethnicgroup: Zemi
date: 16.8.1970
person: Furer-Haimendorf
date: 12.8.1970-9.9.1970
person: private collection
text: Laisong I.B., 16th August
text: This morning I parted from Lahkar and started with Bordolai and a Zemi in a jeep for Laisong. The weather is still fine and the drive was very enjoyable. We went on the road I knew as far as Asalu, and then onwards hugging the hill-slopes through jhums with standing rice-crops and through beautiful high forest and patches of wild bananas.
text: The road rose fairly steeply towards a saddle, which I estimated to be about 4000 feet high. There we changed from the northern slope to southern slopes and with this changed the vegetation.
text: There was no more luscious forest except in a few gullies and ravines. The slopes were nearly all jhumed, and when there are no standing crops, there is low secondary jungle. The road dropped steeply and it got very warm. Finally we came to (33) a place where the whole hill-side with the road had fallen away into a steep gorge. Only a narrow ledge, just sufficient for a footpath remained, and the jeep had to stop. We were fairly near the village of Laisong, and Bordolai and I went ahead to arrange for porters.