The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

manuscript - Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf Naga diary on his return to Nagaland, 1970

caption: a service in the Christian village
medium: diaries
ethnicgroup: Zemi
location: Laisong
date: 16.8.1970
person: Furer-Haimendorf
date: 12.8.1970-9.9.1970
person: private collection
text: From the main village we went down a steep path to the Christian village, as we (35) approached we heard drumming and chanting. A church service in a hall built in Naga style and thatched was just ending. Out came mainly women, some in complete tribal dress and some with some other items of clothing. They smiled in the most friendly fashion and willingly posed for a photograph.