The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database
  1. colour photographs of Naga artefacts from various sources
    .. when she left Laisong in May 1940 in consequence of rumours of trouble among the Zemi... Laisong village. artefacts Ramzimba of Laisong Zemi Laisong error Zemi Laisong 6:.. when she left Laisong in May 1940 in consequence of rumours of trouble among the Zemi...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:35
  2. 16mm colour film taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1940 and 1944
    1940-01-01:1944-12-31 Laisong naga films C10019...jpg long view of Laisong films Zemi Laisong Graham Bower Ursula 1940-01-01:.. Oxford films long view of Laisong Graham Bower Ursula Zemi 60 Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:36
  3. 16mm colour film taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1940 and 1944
    ..1941-12-31 Laisong dragging in a grave stone at Laisong prior to the Hgangi festival, 1941 films Zemi Laisong Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:..mp4 films dragging in a grave stone at Laisong prior to the Hgangi festival,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:36
  4. 16mm colour film taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1940 and 1944
    ..1940-10-31 Laisong Dinekamba and Rangalang threshing grain at Laisong films Dinekamba Rangalang Zemi Laisong Graham Bower Ursula 1940-10-01:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:36
  5. 16mm colour film taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1940 and 1944
    1941-01-01:1941-01-31 Laisong naga films F18774.mp4 naga films F18774.mp4 naga films F18774... Laisong films Zemi Laisong Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:.. Laisong Graham Bower Ursula Zemi 60 Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:36
  6. 16mm colour film taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1940 and 1944
    1941-01-01:1941-01-31 Laisong Hangrum boy jumping at the hazoa during the Hgangi festival, Laisong films Zemi Laisong Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:.. Laisong Caption:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:36
  7. 16mm colour film taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1940 and 1944
    1941-01-01:1941-01-31 Laisong Hgangi festival, Laisong films Zemi Laisong Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:1941-01-31 Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,.. Laisong Caption:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:36
  8. 16mm colour film taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1940 and 1944
    ..1944-12-31 Laisong dance of men and girls at Laisong films Zemi Laisong Graham Bower Ursula 1940-01-01:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:36
  9. 16mm colour film taken by Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf in 1970
    ..1970-08-31 Laisong naga films C28323...mp4 morung at Laisong herding white cattle at Laisong films Zemi Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C...jpg films morung at Laisong herding white cattle at Laisong Caption:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:37
  10. 16mm colour film taken by Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf in 1970
    1970-08-16:1970-08-16 1970-08-01:1970-08-31 Laisong naga films C28703.jpg naga films C28704.jpg naga films C28703.jpg naga films C28703.jpg naga films C28703.jpg nagafilmsC28703...jpg young man beside a house holding a tied bundle of wood films Zemi Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:37
  11. 16mm colour film taken by Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf in 1970
    1970-08-16:1970-08-16 1970-08-01:1970-08-31 Laisong naga films C29057.jpg naga films C29058.jpg naga films C29059.jpg naga films C29060.jpg naga films C29061.jpg naga films C29062.jpg naga films C29063.jpg naga films C29064...jpg splitting bamboo films Zemi Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:37
  12. 16mm colour film taken by Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf in 1970
    ..1970-08-31 Laisong naga films C29065...jpg groups of people standing in front of morung at Laisong films Zemi Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C...1970-08-31 private collection films groups of people standing in front of morung at Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:37
  13. 16mm colour film taken by Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf in 1970
    ..1970-08-31 Laisong naga films C29170...jpg field hut with stones representing love conquests at Laisong films Zemi Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C...1970-08-31 private collection films field hut with stones representing love conquests at Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:37
  14. 16mm colour film taken by Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf in 1970
    1970-08-18:..1970-08-31 Laisong Laisong naga films C29171... at Laisong films Zemi Laisong Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C... at Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:37
  15. 16mm colour film taken by Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf in 1970
    1970-08-18:1970-08-18 1970-08-01:1970-08-31 Laisong naga films C29173.jpg naga films C29174.jpg naga films C29175.jpg naga films C29176.jpg naga films C29173.jpg naga films C29173.jpg naga films C29173...jpg old man with beard and staff films Zemi Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:37
  16. 16mm colour film taken by Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf in 1970
    1970-08-18:1970-08-18 1970-08-01:1970-08-31 Laisong naga films C29177.jpg naga films C29178.jpg naga films C29179.jpg naga films C46215.jpg naga films C46216.jpg naga films C46217.jpg naga films F29180.mp4 naga films F29438... with gourds films Zemi Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:37
  17. 16mm colour film taken by Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf in 1970
    1970-08-18:1970-08-18 1970-08-01:1970-08-31 Laisong naga films C29618.jpg naga films C29619.jpg naga films C29620.jpg naga films C29621.jpg naga films C29622.jpg naga films C29623.jpg naga films C29624...jpg woman sitting spinning with a spindle films Zemi Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:37
  18. 16mm colour film taken by Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf in 1970
    1970-08-18:1970-08-18 1970-08-01:1970-08-31 Laisong naga films C29628.jpg naga films C29629.jpg naga films C29630.jpg naga films C29631.jpg naga films C29628.jpg naga films C29628.jpg naga films C29628...jpg man making a fence of split bamboo films Zemi Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:37
  19. 16mm colour film taken by Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf in 1970
    ..jpg Deusuba of Laisong outside the largest morung,.. making fire by pulling a sliver of cane through a split stick films Deusuba of Laisong Zemi Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C...jpg Deusuba of Laisong outside the largest morung,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:37
  20. 16mm colour film taken by Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf in 1970
    1970-08-17:1970-08-17 1970-08-01:1970-08-31 Laisong naga films C30972.jpg naga films C30972.jpg naga films C30972.jpg naga films C30972.jpg nagafilmsC30972.jpg nagafilmsC30972.jpg elderly man with necklaces films Zemi Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:37
  21. 16mm colour film taken by Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf in 1970
    1970-08-17:1970-08-17 1970-08-01:1970-08-31 Laisong naga films C30973.jpg naga films C30973.jpg naga films C30973.jpg naga films C30973.jpg nagafilmsC30973.jpg nagafilmsC30973.jpg youth with necklace and ear rings films Zemi Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:37
  22. 16mm colour film taken by Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf in 1970
    1970-08-17:1970-08-17 1970-08-01:1970-08-31 Laisong naga films C30974.jpg naga films C30974.jpg naga films C30974.jpg naga films C30974.jpg nagafilmsC30974.jpg nagafilmsC30974.jpg man carrying poles on shoulders films Zemi Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:37
  23. 16mm colour film taken by Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf in 1970
    1970-08-17:1970-08-17 1970-08-01:1970-08-31 Laisong naga films C30975.jpg naga films C30975...jpg Laisong village films Zemi Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C...1970-08-31 private collection films Laisong village Furer-Haimendorf C...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:37
  24. 16mm colour film taken by Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf in 1970
    1970-08-17:1970-08-17 1970-08-01:1970-08-31 Laisong naga films C30976.jpg naga films C30976.jpg naga films C30976.jpg naga films C30976.jpg nagafilmsC30976... Laisong films Zemi Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C... Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:37
  25. 16mm colour film taken by Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf in 1970
    1970-08-17:1970-08-17 1970-08-01:1970-08-31 Laisong naga films C30977.jpg naga films C30977.jpg naga films C30977.jpg naga films C30977.jpg nagafilmsC30977.jpg nagafilmsC30977.jpg children in doorway films Zemi Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:37
  26. 16mm colour film taken by Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf in 1970
    1970-08-17:1970-08-17 1970-08-01:1970-08-31 Laisong naga films C30978.jpg naga films F30979.mp4 naga films F31130.mp4 naga films F31230.mp4 naga films C30978.jpg naga films C30978.jpg naga films C30978... with baby in her lap films Zemi Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:37
  27. 16mm colour film taken by Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf in 1970
    1970-08-17:1970-08-17 1970-08-01:1970-08-31 Laisong naga films C31244.jpg naga films C31244.jpg naga films C31244.jpg naga films C31244.jpg nagafilmsC31244.jpg nagafilmsC31244.jpg group of children films Zemi Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:37
  28. 16mm colour film taken by Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf in 1970
    1970-08-17:1970-08-17 1970-08-01:1970-08-31 Laisong naga films F31245.mp4 naga films F31245.mp4 naga films F31245.mp4 naga films F31245.mp4 nagafilmsF31245.mp4 nagafilmsF31245... Laisong, looking towards Hangrum and the Jenam gorge films Zemi Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C... Laisong,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:37
  29. 16mm colour film taken by Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf in 1970
    1970-08-17:1970-08-17 1970-08-01:1970-08-31 Laisong naga films C31367.jpg naga films C31367.jpg naga films C31367.jpg naga films C31367.jpg nagafilmsC31367.jpg nagafilmsC31367.jpg people walking up through village films Zemi Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:37
  30. 16mm colour film taken by Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf in 1970
    1970-08-17:1970-08-17 1970-08-01:1970-08-31 Laisong naga films C31368.jpg naga films C31369.jpg naga films C31370.jpg naga films C31371.jpg naga films C31368.jpg naga films C31368.jpg naga films C31368...jpg finished cloth spread out on loom films Zemi Laisong Furer-Haimendorf C...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:37
  31. sketches from Ursula Graham Bower's notebooks, 1939-1945
    ..jpg [map of Laisong] Laisong Graham Bower Ursula private collection descriptions derived from original source material unless in square brackets or otherwise stated descriptions derived from original source material unless in square brackets or otherwise stated [map of Laisong] Graham Bower ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:42
  32. black and white photographs taken by J.P. Mills
    1918-01-01:1945-12-31 School of Oriental and African Studies, London Laisong naga millsphot P48087.jpg naga millsphot P48087.jpg naga millsphot P48087.jpg naga millsphot P48087.jpg nagamillsphotP48087... Laisong village. photographs Zemi Laisong Mills J... Laisong village...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:44
  33. black and white photographs taken by J.P. Mills
    1918-01-01:1945-12-31 School of Oriental and African Studies, London Laisong naga millsphot P48088.jpg naga millsphot P48088.jpg naga millsphot P48088.jpg naga millsphot P48088.jpg nagamillsphotP48088... Laisong village. photographs Zemi Laisong Mills J... Laisong village...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:44
  34. black and white photographs taken by J.P. Mills
    1918-01-01:1945-12-31 School of Oriental and African Studies, London Laisong naga millsphot P48091.jpg naga millsphot P48091.jpg naga millsphot P48091.jpg naga millsphot P48091.jpg nagamillsphotP48091... Laisong village. photographs Zemi Laisong Mills J... Laisong village...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:44
  35. black and white photograph taken by C.R. Stonor, 1946-1948
    ..jpg jhums at Laisong village photographs Laisong [Zeme JS] celluloid negative Stonor C... 'Feasts of Merit among the Northern Sangtam' jhums at Laisong village Stonor C...jpg Laisong text in square brackets is taken from illustrations in Stonor's article,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:50
  36. black and white photograph taken by C.R. Stonor, 1946-1948
    Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford naga stonphot P51926... Laisong village photographs Laisong [Zeme JS] celluloid negative Stonor C... Laisong village Stonor C...jpg Laisong text in square brackets is taken from illustrations in Stonor's article,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:50
  37. black and white photograph taken by C.R. Stonor, 1946-1948
    ..jpg men of Laisong village photographs textiles Laisong [Zeme JS] celluloid negative Stonor C... 'Feasts of Merit among the Northern Sangtam' men of Laisong village Stonor C...789 textiles Laisong text in square brackets is taken from illustrations in Stonor's article,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:50
  38. black and white photograph taken by C.R. Stonor, 1946-1948
    ..jpg girls of Laisong village photographs Laisong [Zeme JS] celluloid negative Stonor C... 'Feasts of Merit among the Northern Sangtam' girls of Laisong village Stonor C...jpg Laisong text in square brackets is taken from illustrations in Stonor's article,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:50
  39. black and white photograph taken by C.R. Stonor, 1946-1948
    ..jpg youth of Laisong village with drinking horn photographs Laisong [Zeme JS] celluloid negative Stonor C... 'Feasts of Merit among the Northern Sangtam' youth of Laisong village with drinking horn Stonor C...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:50
  40. black and white photograph taken by C.R. Stonor, 1946-1948
    ..jpg view of Laisong village photographs Laisong [Zeme JS] celluloid negative Stonor C... 'Feasts of Merit among the Northern Sangtam' view of Laisong village Stonor C...jpg Laisong text in square brackets is taken from illustrations in Stonor's article,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:50
  41. black and white photograph taken by C.R. Stonor, 1946-1948
    ..jpg morung at Laisong village photographs Laisong [Zeme JS] celluloid negative Stonor C... 'Feasts of Merit among the Northern Sangtam' morung at Laisong village Stonor C...jpg Laisong text in square brackets is taken from illustrations in Stonor's article,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:50
  42. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P52858... Laisong village photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1940-03-10:.. Laisong village Graham Bower Ursula 77 35mm negatives BT NO 1233 1940-03-10 R62383 nagabowerP52858...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  43. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P52860...jpg Spear-throwing in Laisong village photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1940-03-10:.. Oxford BT NO 1234 photographs Spear-throwing in Laisong village Graham Bower Ursula 77 35mm negatives BT NO 1234 1940-03-10 R62384 nagabowerP52860...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  44. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P52874... Laisong village photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  45. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P52882...jpg Havoc in Laisong camp following hail storm photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  46. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P52885... Laisong village photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  47. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P52887... Laisong village photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  48. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P52898...jpg Village blacksmith forging a spear-head at Laisong village photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  49. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P52903... Laisong photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  50. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P52906... Laisong village photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  51. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P52907...jpg Laisong village from the East showing lower hangseoki and granaries photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  52. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong Jenam R...jpg View South down the Jenam River valley from Laisong village photographs Laisong Jenam R...8 photographs View South down the Jenam River valley from Laisong village Graham Bower Ursula 35mm negatives 77 N BT NO 1326,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  53. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P52922... Laisong village photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  54. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P52929...jpg Woman weaving [Laisong] photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  55. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P52930... Laisong village photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  56. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P52931... Laisong village photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  57. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P52932... Laisong village. The wood stack extends almost across the village street and an opening has been left to allow passage photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  58. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford Laisong naga bower P52933.jpg naga bower P52935... Laisong village... photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,.. Laisong village...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  59. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P52936...jpg View down Laisong village street photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  60. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets photographs Dragging gravestone,.. Laisong village photographs Hgangi genna Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  61. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,.. Laisong village, jumping at the hazoa and putting the stone at the hgangi festival at the winter solstice photographs genna Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:.. Laisong village,..jpg 35mm negatives BT NO 1394-97 genna Laisong 1941-01-01 1941..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  62. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford Laisong naga bower P52965.jpg naga bower P52966... [during hgangi] photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  63. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Young men and girls of Laisong village dancing photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  64. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Hgangi festival, Laisong village [6th day] photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  65. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    1941-01-01:1942-12-31 Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford Laisong naga bower P53005.jpg naga bower P53006.jpg naga bower P53007.jpg naga bower P53008.jpg naga bower P53009...jpg Contructing deadfall rat-trap in garden fence photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  66. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P53011... [Laisong village] photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:.. [Laisong village] Graham Bower Ursula 77 35mm negatives BT NO 1426-7 1941-01-01 R62441 nagabowerP53011...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  67. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P53013... [Laisong village] photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:.. [Laisong village] Graham Bower Ursula 77 35mm negatives BT NO 1427 1941-01-01 R62442 nagabowerP53013...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  68. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    1941-01-01:1942-12-31 Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford Laisong naga bower P53014.jpg naga bower P53015.jpg information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets naga bower P53014...jpg Children making sandcastles in the loose earth of the hazoa photographs Laisong ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  69. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford naga bower P53016.jpg naga bower P53016.jpg naga bower P53016.jpg nagabowerP53016.jpg nagabowerP53016... Laisong village. Note the bamboo pipe lines above trough photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:.. Laisong village...jpg Laisong..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  70. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    ..jpg Laisong village from the East Note large size of hangseoki compared to ordinary houses photographs morung Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  71. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    1941-01-01:1942-12-31 Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford Laisong naga bower P53032... Laisong village photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:.. Laisong village Graham Bower Ursula 77 35mm negatives BT NO 1463,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  72. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P53042... Laisong village photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:.. Laisong village Graham Bower Ursula 77 35mm negatives BT NO 1476 1941-01-01 R62464 nagabowerP53042...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  73. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    1941-01-01:1942-12-31 Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford Laisong naga bower P53043.jpg naga bower P53045.jpg information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets naga bower P53043... Laisong village;.. but the guest is holding mine for me photographs Laisong 35mm ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  74. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P53137...jpg Young men of Laisong line up for spear-throwing competition photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:.. Oxford BT NO 1609 photographs Young men of Laisong line up for spear-throwing competition Graham Bower Ursula 77 35mm negatives ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  75. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Spear-throwing competition, Laisong village photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:.. Laisong village Caption:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  76. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P53167... Laisong village photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:.. Laisong village Graham Bower Ursula 77 35mm negatives BT NO 1677 1941-01-01 R62510 nagabowerP53167...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  77. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P53168...jpg Group of young hunters at Laisong village gate photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:..81 photographs Group of young hunters at Laisong village gate Graham Bower Ursula 77 35mm negatives BT NO 1679,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  78. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    1941-01-01:1942-12-31 Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford Laisong naga bower P53170.jpg naga bower P53171.jpg naga bower P53172.jpg information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets naga bower P53170... Laisong village... photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  79. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P53175...jpg Clearing the path East of Laisong village photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:.. Oxford BT NO 1694-7 photographs Clearing the path East of Laisong village Graham Bower Ursula 77 35mm negatives BT NO 1694-7 1941-01-01 R62514..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  80. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    1941-01-01:1942-12-31 Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford Laisong naga bower P53223.jpg naga bower P53224.jpg information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets naga bower P53223... The pole (tsimwa) is put up in a ceremony called kethungpeo-ki-tsimwa photographs ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  81. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    1941-01-01:1942-12-31 Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford Laisong naga bower P53225... Laisong village photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:.. Laisong village Graham Bower Ursula 77 35mm negatives BT NO 1753,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  82. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    1941-01-01:1942-12-31 Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford Laisong naga bower P53232... [Laisong village] photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:.. [Laisong village] Graham Bower Ursula 77 35mm negatives BT NO 1772,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  83. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,.. Laisong village photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:.. Laisong village Graham Bower Ursula 77 R62542 naga bower P53238...jpg Laisong 1941-01-01 1941-01-01:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  84. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Hgangi festival, Laisong village Small boys having their customary free-for-all on the earth mound. photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:.. Laisong village Small boys ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:52
  85. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P53292... Laisong village photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:.. Laisong village Graham Bower Ursula 77 35mm negatives BT NO 1790 1941-01-01 R62545 nagabowerP53292...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:53
  86. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P53293... [Laisong village] photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:.. [Laisong village] Graham Bower Ursula 77 35mm negatives BT NO 1792 1941-01-01 R62546 nagabowerP53293...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:53
  87. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P53294... [Laisong village] photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:.. [Laisong village] Graham Bower Ursula 77 35mm negatives BT NO 1793 1941-01-01 R62547 nagabowerP53294...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:53
  88. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Paying land rent in rice after harvest, Laisong village photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:53
  89. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Catching a pig for a sacrifice, [Laisong village] photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:.. [Laisong village] Caption:..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:53
  90. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets 1941-01-01:1942-12-31 photographs Wedding at Laisong village Caption:.. Graham Bower Ursula 77 Wedding at Laisong village photographs Heozebuile of Hegokuloa Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:53
  91. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P53312... Laisong village photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula 1941-01-01:.. Laisong village Graham Bower Ursula 77 35mm negatives BT NO 1814 1941-01-01 R62553 nagabowerP53312...
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:53
  92. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P53378... Laisong village photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:53
  93. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P53380... Laisong village photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:53
  94. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P53399... Laisong photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:53
  95. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P53620...jpg Schoolmaster and pupils from local primary school [Laisong] photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:53
  96. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Ceremony at upper hangseoki, Laisong photographs Sonning Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers ..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:53
  97. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P53425... [Laisong village] photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:53
  98. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P53429... [Laisong village] photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:53
  99. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P53431... [Laisong village] photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:53
  100. black & white photographs taken by Ursula Graham Bower between 1937 and 1946
    .. Oxford Laisong naga bower P53437... [Laisong village] photographs Laisong 35mm negatives Graham Bower Ursula N information based on catalogue compiled by photographer unless in square brackets Pitt Rivers Museum Archive,..
    Last modification on 02 Nov 2011 at 16:07:53
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