The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - J.H. Hutton's tour diary in the Naga Hills

caption: Problem of drinking water supply at Kongan; theft case; liquor shop
medium: tours
location: Kongan Behubor Naginimara R.S. (Naginimara)
date: 4.3.1921
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 1.3.1921-20.3.1921
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
refnum: Hutton Ms. Box 2
text: 4th
text: Via Behubor ferry and Naginimara to Kongan. The Thana at Naginimara ought to be made pukka. It has only bamboo and thatch buildings and will have to be made pukka sometime. The sooner the better. Also some arrangement must be made for drinking water. The Sub Inspector tells me that a pukka well would cost Rs. 1000/-. I don't suppose there is much chance of getting that. The Thana is however only 400 feet or so from the nearest stand pipe in Naginimara station and I am told that piping only costs a rupee a foot. If so Rs. 500/- should cover the cost of a stand pipe from the station supply if the Railway would agree to this. [Note: this is incorrect. The cost of piping would be more than Rs.1000/- and I am told here that a pukka well would cost comparatively little - JH.]
text: I tried a theft case here. Rupees were stolen from a locked box, put in a telfer bucket and locked to the wire, while the bucket was moving along the telfer line. Rather a brilliant achievement. I also had some talk with the Manager with reference to the liquor shop. I have made a settlement with the Manager for Rs. 300/- per month, the amount of liquor allowed being limited. The Manager has put in a vendor who also has charge of the bazar and who pays him Rs. 500/- monthly. The Manager tries to justify this on the grounds that he pays Rs. 100/- a month for the bazar train to the Railway Company and that the surplus 100/- represents the profits to be got from the bazar by the shopkeeper who is put in as liquor vendor. The Sub Inspector of Police however says the value of the Bazar apart from the liquor shop is not more than Rs. 15/- a month. It is also likely that the payment of Rs. 100/- a month for the Bazar train will cease on April 1st as from that date the Railway Company are running a Sunday passenger service to Naginimara.