The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - J.H. Hutton's tour diary in the Naga Hills

caption: Problem of an illegal Nepali grazier on Mezifema land; no famine at Mezifema
medium: tours
person: Syamlal
location: Ghaspani Meziphima (Mezifema) Sirhima (Serhima) Nichuguard R.S. (Nichuguard) Jharnapani (Jornapani)
date: 15.6.1922
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 15.6.1922-7.7.1922
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
refnum: Hutton Ms. Box 2
text: 15th
text: Halted Ghaspani. Went to see the land in dispute between Mezifema and Serhima, and dealt with the case of a bad character at Nichuguard whom the Mauzadar wanted turned out.
text: A goala called Syamlal has settled on Mezifema land, and told the Mezifema gaonbura that he had the Mauzadar's order to do so. This man was at Diphu, and as far as I remember I gave him leave to return to Jornapani, but his present site is a long way from Jornapani and close to Mezifema fields, and Mezifema complains of him. Like all Nepali graziers he is a curse to cultivators and decent folk. He will be dealt with.
text: Mezifema seem better off than Ferima and Chiphama, and I do not think that they will need help. Their field are fair though backward.
text: The Sub-Deputy Collector got back from Chiphama this afternoon. The condition of the village does not seem to have been exaggerated, and a very large proportion of the population is ill, apparently with gastric influenza. Fortunately the rice I sent for from Dimapur turned up after dark.