The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - J.H. Hutton's tour diary in the Naga Hills

caption: Memorials and monoliths at Togwema; similarities between Togwema and trans-Yangmun villages in use of ornament; decorated house fronts
medium: tours
person: Hodson
ethnicgroup: Chang
location: Togwema Yangnyu R. (Yangmun R.) Yonghong (Yanghong) Ukha Yakthu (Yaktu)
date: 9.6.1923
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 6.6.1923-18.6.1923
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
refnum: Hutton Ms. Box 2
text: 9th June
text: Togwema (Wilong), a drop of 3000 feet exactly to the stream at the bottom and then a climb of 2800 feet up the other side, and a nasty wet rainy day.
text: Going into Togwema we saw round conical cairns of stones with shallow tanks dug alongside them - the remnants of former memorials now mostly dilapidated. At Togwema itself we saw the famous monoliths, but they appear to bear no relation to the plan in Hodson's book. We measured some of them and took several photographs. They are beginning to collapse and many were buried in jungle which we had cleared. The site is a narrow shelf just below the village and the stones are crowded on to it very thickly. There are 155 altogether crowded into a space of about 200 yards long by about 25 yards wide at the outside.
text: In the village I noted several things which reminded me very much of the villagers across the Yangmun - Yanghong, Ukha & co. In particular the use of a curled ornament just like that on the planks in Yaktu and Yanghong from which the Chang tattoo is derived. Here, however, it is used as an ornament for the heads of figures of men carved on the houses (and also by itself) with a circle or a pair of mithan horns (here again with a point in the middle like those of Yanghong) underneath, so that the whole is very like the rough depiction of a face.