The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - J.H. Hutton's tour diary in the Naga Hills

caption: Difficulties obtaining coolies; methods of agriculture and burial customs
medium: tours
keywords: menhirs
ethnicgroup: MaringsSyntengAngami
location: Jowai Nongkhrem Mawryngkneng Shillong Puriyong Malyngiang Jawdaija
date: 17.10.1925
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 7.10.1925-29.10.1925
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
refnum: Hutton Ms. Box 2
text: 17th October
text: To Jowai; 17 miles. I had some trouble in getting coolies. The local Sardar refused to supply without an order from the "Siem of Nongkhrem". This would have taken a whole day to get and I should have had to wait a day at Mawryngkneng. When, however, I offered double rates coolies were suddenly forthcoming, though they made me pay in advance, as they said they had been done in before by a babu who offered double rates and refused to pay up at the other end. The coolies were obtained so promptly for double rates that I was suspicious that I might have been done, and that a parwana from Nongkhrem was not really necessary. If so, I hope Deputy Commissioner will deal with the blighters.
text: I noticed a dog here with its ears cut just like a Naga dog.
text: Near Shillong I had noticed hill rice grown in a manner the reverse of panikhets, being trenched in close lines to carry off the water apparently (The Marings run diagonal trenches across their jhums to keep them from detrition.) But at Puriyong and onwards in the Synteng country I saw real panikhets creeping up the slopes from the flat cultivated valley bottoms.
text: After passing Puriyong I saw the old site of the village of the Siem of Malyngiang, who was driven out by the Siem of Nartiang (of the Jaintiapur dynasty). There were several good cromlechs and menhir and further on, near Jawdaija, a stone circle like an Angami tehuba but I missed the stone dish (apparently a hollow in the top of a cromlech) for the receipt of tolls.