The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - J.H. Hutton's tour diary in the Naga Hills

caption: to Ikiya; complaints of extortion; problems of rice and thatch indents
medium: tours
person: Satoi/ of SatoiHlunitso/ of Phekrokejima
ethnicgroup: LhotaSangtam
location: Ikiya Yatsimi (Yatsumi) Wokhevi Satoi Yatsimi (Yangpire) Sohemi (Sahunyu) Nahotomi (Nahatomi)
date: 12.2.1926-13.2.1926
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 22.1.1926-22.2.1926
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
refnum: Hutton Ms. Box 2
text: 12/2/1926 To Ikiya - about 7 or 8 miles, and close to the district boundary. The Yatsumi (Yangpire) headmen told me quite definately that it was from their village that the Lhota tribe split off from the Sangtam.
text: 13/2/1926 Halted Ikiya. Disposed of the Ikiya - Wokhevi land dispute - subject to the actual demarcation of the boundary.
text: A complaint was brought against a man of Satoi for going and extorting money from Yangpire a Transfrontier Sangtam village. I am very tired of such complaints against men of Satoi. Satoi himself and one other have for some time been prohibited for crossing the frontier on account of their unauthorized depredations - always committed in Deputy Commissioner's name of course - and I have now forbidden any man of Satoi's village to cross the frontier at all except to go to Ikiya. I have told Ikiya that if they go beyond that village Ikiya can confiscate their stuff.
text: Sahunyu came in to complain of too frequent indents of rice for the Phekrokejima hospital. I am calling for the roster. Nahatomi came in and complained of the amount of thatch indented from them by Hlunitso the Phekrokejima Muharrir for Chipoketami I.B. He says there are only 20 houses in the village and the demand is a full "load" each, a "load" of thatch being more than one man can carry. I think I passed some orders about thatch and in any case there are other villages here which can reasonably supply. I should like to know what indents were sent out. Also what it would cost to replace the thatch by tin. This could in any case be done when we get the old materials from the Assam Rifles lines.