The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - J.H. Hutton's tour diary in the Naga Hills

caption: Various cases at Zubza, and difficulties in accommodating servants and coolies
medium: tours
person: Kehoi/ of PhegwimiHozhetoYezuvi/ of Suko-phuyemi
location: Zubza Khonoma Kiruphema (Kirufema) Ghaspani
date: 5.4.1926
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 21.3.1926-6.4.1926
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
refnum: Hutton Ms. Box 2
text: 5/4/1926 To Zubza after disposing of a case or two. I see that a gentleman of Khonoma has built himself a house by the road just outside P.W.D. limits on Kirufema land. He proposes to pay revenue with Kirufema but I have vetoed this. Probably he will have to pay Rs. 5/- to the Mauzadar, but I fancy his real purpose in building a house here is to set up either a still, or a gaming house or a brothel or all three and I recommend his case to the Police. He has already been convicted of smuggling liquor for sale.
text: Kirufema came ostentatiously to say that they had never had any thing to do with thefts on the cart road. I had never suspected them before, but now anticipate horrid revelations.
text: At Zubza I found the servants lines full of Nepali coolies, whom the Chaukidar objected to turning out saying that the Muharrir had given orders that the servants lines should be occupied by coolies. The Muharrir, another Nepali, could not, of course, be found when counted [sic]. I told the Chaukidar that I should scalp him if the lines were not cleared at once, but it (is) inconvenient for touring officers to find room for their servants, and there are other lines intended for the coolies. I would also suggest mats on the wire beds at Ghaspani such as are used in the C.W. Inspection Bungalows. Otherwise one wakes up with a veins-cross pattern on ones body in the morning.
text: On the way up I met Kehoi of Phegwimi who reported that he had paid the outstanding amount of his Agricultural loan to Hozheto in Kohima as the office was shut.
text: In the evening Yezuvi of Suko-phuyemi, a coolie working at Zubza, came to report against the Nepali Muharrir of Zubza that he had made him pay Rs. 3/- as "Revenue". When the coolie asked what revenue he replied that everyone paid revenue, which is only partially true.