The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - J.H. Hutton's tour diary in the Naga Hills

caption: Elephants and village guns; need to cut jungle near bungalows
medium: tours
person: Pawsey/ Mr
location: Wakching Shiong Kongan
date: 8.7.1926
person: Hutton/ J.H.
date: 5.7.1926-4.8.1926
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
refnum: Hutton Ms. Box 2
text: 8/7/1926 To Wakching, who also complained of elephants. Shiong also applied for a village gun, which they said Mr Pawsey had promised them. The Compounder also has a desire for a gun and considers it unjust that a contemporary Muharrir should have been given one first.
text: Proper bungalows are badly wanted at both Kongan and Wakching but meanwhile the latter would be much improved by keeping down the surrounding jungle more. I had a number of trees cut at Kongan to let in air, but at Wakching it is the low stuff which wants clearing.