The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

letter from George Grierson to J.H. Hutton

caption: publication of Chang grammar
medium: letters
person: Hutton/ J.H.
ethnicgroup: Chang
date: 25.7.1922
person: Grierson/ G.A.
person: Pitt Rivers Museum Archive, Oxford
refnum: Hutton Ms. Box 371
text: 25/7/1922
text: Dear Mr Hutton,
text: Very many thanks for yours of 23rd June. I am looking forward to receiving the Chang and Sema words which you have so kindly promised me.
text: About the Chang grammar, I hope you will have time to revise it and publish it. Surely the Assam Government would be ready, and most glad to produce it. As for your thought of the R.A.S. there is this difficulty, that its funds are just now at a very low ebb. The move to its new quarters has been a severe tax on its resources, and it is now not taking up the publication of any new books. The Journal, too, is temporarily restricted in size, and, unless the grammar was a mere sketch, I doubt if room could be found for it. It is a great pity, but, as everywhere else, the Society has to be economical, so as to be able to husband its resources.
text: There is one way of utilizing the R.A.S. Indian Governments sometimes print books, and send the printed sheets to the R.A.S. which then issues the book in one of its series. This was done in the case of Dr Bailey's Himalayan Grammars. It is convenient, as it puts the book in the way of European scholars, and at the same time gives it the cachet of the Society, - a thing which does count. It is a great advantage both to the author and to scholars for a book to be published in this country. No one appreciates more than I do the good work done by the Assam Government in the matter of linguistic publications, but it is a matter of constant regret to me that they are so little known in Europe.
text: George A. Grierson