The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

typescript - J.P. Mills, tour diary September 1928

caption: Poor crops caused by severe weather; problems of villages' inability to repay loans
medium: notestours
location: Asalu Guilong
date: 12.9.1928
person: Mills/ J.P.
date: 9.1928
refnum: (from): J.P.Mills and others, "Tour Diaries and Administrative Notes from the North Cachar Hills, Assam. 1928-1940. Unpublished Government Papers" at SOAS Library, London. Pam. Assam B 314349.
text: 12th Sept. To Asalu 12 miles. 7.20 - 12.0. Rain as usual. I have not had a single fine day this tour.
text: There is every reason to think that there will be real scarcity in the North Cachar Hills this year. The drought in the early part of the year was fatal to the old 'jhums', the rice plants producing little but husks. Then storms have damaged the new 'jhums' which are coming on now. The result is that people who ought to be getting fat on their own food are buying or borrowing rice where they can. I shall not, I think, propose loans. Hillmen find it very difficult to obtain the money to repay them; indeed Guilong last year refused an offered loan because they felt they would never be able to repay it. I may ask for money for an unfinished piece of bridle path and other pieces of work that need doing, and I hope Government will grant it as readily as money is granted for loans and gratuitous relief. The work would be done as a relief work and given to villages in real need of assistance.